I sighed while looking at the dishes, "Ahh, we need a maid" I say, chuckling aloud to myself before getting straight down to work.


Now cooking, I decided to chef up some mash potato's and leftover steak I had in the fridge. And since we're still managing the table foods with Zaria and trying out new things, she still heavily depends on her sippy cup to do the trick in fulfilling her tummy.

While the steak was slowly cooking on the stove I heard my phone vibrate and ring on the couch.

Quickly running to it as it may be Chris, I sighed.

"Hey Kiki, what's up?"

"Hey girl, how are you? I was just checking up on you- the shop is good so don't worry about that, I just wanted to call and see what you were up too" Kiki explains.

I smile at her kind gesture, "Thanks. That's sweet of you, and I'm not doing nothing really just making me and Zaria some dinner"

"Ooh! Well since you said that if you're up for some company..." Kiki trails, I shake my head already knowing she's coming over for the food portion.

"Sure, why not?" I say nonchalantly. I then felt another buzz on my phone, taking it away from my ear it read Samantha's contact.

Samantha: Hey sis' I'm in town for a little, is it cool if I can come over? 6:48 pm.

"Yay! Ok I'm on the way, is it ok if I bring wine?" Kiki asks.

I giggle, "Yeah that's fine, bring enough because Samantha just texted me asking if she could come over as well"

"Ok, that's cool. I got you, see you girl"

"Alright" I say before ending the phone call.

After shooting a quick text back to Samantha, saying it was ok, I looked over at Zaria's cooked vegetables and decided to give her a little swig of her sweet potatoes.

"Zaria...mmm how is it mommas?" I ask as I feed her the little that was on the spoon.

Getting it all over her face, her eyes beam up as she then gives me a toothless smile.

I then clap, cheering her as she soon copies my motion. Kissing the top of her forehead, I go back to finish up cooking.

A few minutes have gone by as a knock soon appeared on my door.

Going to open it up, there was Kiki Samantha and her son, Myles.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing him, my sis' had to work late so she couldn't watch him for me"

I nod nonchalantly, seeing him resting on her shoulder peacefully, "It's all good, come on in" I step aside as I let both Samantha and Kiki inside.

Shutting the door, I let out a small sigh. I'm glad that me and Samantha are in better terms but apart of me still feels slighted in some ways, seeing her son grow and look exactly like Dominique the older he gets.

No one can help the situation now, what's done is done, but it's still a hard pill to swallow sometimes.

"Ooh look at you beautiful!" Kiki squeals, acknowledging Zaria's presence, while Zaria on the other hand was too focused on her toys in the playpen to even pay attention.

"Thanks for letting us come girl and it smells so good in here" Kiki says while following me to the kitchen.

I shake my head laughing, "You are something else, it's always bad enough that you use me for sweets at the bakery but now for food at my own house? Shame on you" I say jokingly while handing her a plate.

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