"Kibutsuji-San? What are you doing here?" Before she could pull out her phone, she realized she was in front of Iwaizumi by the gym doors. The first thing he noticed was the flower in her hair. He hid his smile by covering the lower half of his face.

"Oh..." She trailed off, "Uhm, Kyotani-San told me to go to the gym after school."

Iwaizumi's eyes widened slightly. He quirked his eyebrow before opening the doors to the gym for her, "Well, I'm glad he has another person other than Yahaba." He mumbled.

Y/n bowed her head slightly before walking in the gym. She looked around, noticing that she wasn't the only one in there this time. She saw many boys scattered around, which made her feel nervous all of a sudden.

"Hang on," she turned to lock eyes with a chocolate haired boy, "You're Y/n Kibutsuji!" He smiled, but it turned into a slight smirk, "The rumors are true, you are pretty." He let out a laugh as he threw his arm over the girls shoulder.

Y/n blushed slightly and turned to him with wide, red eyes, "U-Uh- thank you!"

"Oikawa Toru, pleasure meeting you princess~" He cooed and took her hand only to kiss it with a playful wink.

Her face turned even more red and pulled her hand back quickly. "P-PLEASURE MEETING YOU TOO!" She bowed a full 90 degrees.

Her yelling caught the attention of the boys in the gym.

"Leave her alone, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi sneered.

"Ehhh? But Iwa-Chan, she's so cute!" He whined.

She then compared them to two other people she knew and realized that they were a little too similar.

'Oikawa-San and Doma would make a chaotic duo. But Iwaizumi-San and Akaza would probably throw hands with anyone if it came down to it.'

"Hng," a familiar grunt reached Y/n's ears.

She turned and nodded to Kyotani, "Oh... hey." She fiddled with her fingers, "Why did you ask me here..?"

Kyotani didn't say anything, he only handed her a volleyball, "Serve."

Oikawa and Iwaizumi stopped bickering and stared at the boy. They looked at each other and the tallest one came over to him.

"Mad Dog-Chan, you can't just demand someone to serve! She might not even know how to." Oikawa put his hands on his hips.

Kyotani ignored him and gestured to the black skid marks on the floor, "I saw you at lunch."

"Wait, she did that?" A boy with onion hair came up to the three with wide eyes.

Kyotani nodded with a grunt.

"It was probably just a fluke..." Y/n trailed off and tried her best to get out of such an embarrassing situation. While she didn't mind attention, it was embarrassing when it was negative or she had gotten caught and called out in front of others.

"We'll see." Kyotani put his hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her toward the serving line.

She stumbled a little and looked back. At this point, the volleyball team had all gathered on the sidelines and were watching the girl intently.

She timidly went up to the serving line, and almost immediately did her nervous aura change in a deadly and intimidating one.

The boys shivered as they looked into her cold red eyes. Something sparkled within those eyes that they couldn't place, not that they wanted to.

She took a deep breath in and her pupils seemed to have slit into demon-like ones. Y/n threw the ball up into the air and followed close behind it. She jumped up and reeled her arm back, finally hitting it with strength like no other. It zoomed across the court and landed straight in the middle. It left another skid mark, almost exactly where her last one was.

Once her feet touched the ground, the deadly aura lingered for a little longer before disappearing completely once she released the breath she was holding. She closed her eyes and opened them shortly after to see the teams jaws wide open.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" A boy with light brown hair (almost pinkish) exclaimed.

The boy next to him with messy black hair was pale as paper as his soul came out of his mouth comically.

"MATTSUN'S NOT BREATHING!" The boy with onion hair shook the said boys shoulders.

"Holy shit." A boy with split bangs commented with wide eyes. "I might as well pack up and leave." His eyes held no life as he said those words.

"Iwa-Chan..." Oikawa's arms slacked against his body.

"Yeah, Oikawa?" Once Iwaizumi called the captain by his real name, that's when the team knew that they mean serious business.

"We need her."

"Mhm." Iwaizumi nodded stiffly.

Y/n just stood there with dotted eyes as she cluelessly scanned across the boys and their surprised states.

"Uhm, I'm sorry?" She tilted her head.

"Y/n-Chan..." Oikawa trudged up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. He looked deeply into her red eyes, "How would you like to join our volleyball team?"



"Join the volleyball team, Y/n-Chan."

"But... I'm a girl?"

"We can talk to the coach," Iwaizumi came up and patted Y/n on the head, "You got some skill."

"Oh... thanks." She looked down shyly.

"DAMN HOE," the boy with messy black hair ran up to Y/n and pushed Oikawa to the side, "THAT WAS SLAY."

"Wig? Snatched. Period? Poo. Hotel? Trivago." The boy with light brown hair came up beside the other one and pushed Oikawa once again.

"Oh..." Y/n sweat dropped.

"Matsukawa Issei, but people call me Mattsun." The messy haired one grinned.

"Takahiro Hanamaki, 'ol pals call me Makki." The light haired one smiled cooly.

"Uhm, Y/n Kibutsuji." She bowed her head.

"Wow, so it was true..." Matsukawa glanced to Hanamaki.

"Uh, what was?" She tilted her head.

"People didn't believe that you were actually Muzan Kibutsuji's daughter... But you have red eyes." He obviously points out, leaving Hanamaki to scoff.

"No shit."

"Hoe." Matsukawa sneered.


"Pussy boy."

"I am a boy for pussy."


"Anyways!" Oikawa cut them off, "Well, what do you say, Y/n-Chan?" He pulled puppy eyes with her.

Y/n cringed slightly in return but scanned over the crowd of boys. They seemed eager, impressed, and hopeful. And to Y/n, it wouldn't hurt to have some sort of after school activity or friends she can hang out with. But she'd have to keep it a secret from her dad and his gang... I mean what would they think if they found out she was apart of the boys volleyball team?

"Uhm... Alright." She smiled slightly.

"YES!" Oikawa jumped on her and swung her around.

"O-Oikawa-Senpai!" She stuttered and held on for dear life.

"PUT HER DOWN, SHITTYKAWA!" Iwaizumi threw a volleyball at the back of his head.

Oikawa, in turn, dropped Y/n and held the back of his head in pain, "Wahhh!~ Iwa-Chan!" He pouted.

Y/n just sweat dropped and held in her squeal when she realized she would make more friends and keep meaningful memories. Funny stories, heartfelt moments, arguments where they pull through, she wanted all of it.

Her fists clenched, 'I'll make you all proud, and be the best friend I can be!'

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