The Blind Mate: Enter Jaken And A-un

Start from the beginning

"The woman is lost and blind, so treat her with respect."
The man says to Jaken.

The human is blind?!"
Jaken gasped.
"But milord she will be a burden to you!"

The man growled out.

"Lord Sesshomaru!
Forgive me!"
Jaken I heard slammed himself on the ground, so I think he was kowtowing to the man he just called Lord Sesshomaru.
Then I heard Jaken groan in pain, and heard the man Lord Sesshomaru walk over Jaken, and I flinch at that, making a Oh Cringe Face, feeling sympathy for Jaken getting that treatment.

Poor guy.
I thought to myself.
Really, things were different.
I wonder if he's a slave?
Cause I heard of Asian countries having slaves in history books I've read, including Korea and China had them.
Korea did before the North and South separated.

I heard the reigns A-un had on him Lord Sesshomaru grabbed by the jingle in the reigns, and A-un started following the man known as Lord Sesshomaru.
"I did want to ask you your name, but it seems I got my answer from your friend."
I say to the man known as Lord Sesshomaru.
"So are you a rich lord?"
I ask him next.

You think milord is rich?!"
Jaken squawked.

"Well yeah.
Aren't lord's rich?"
I ask Jaken, who seemed to be okay now.

"He's the Lord Of The West."
Jaken says to me.
"A powerful dog demon, born from a more famous dog demon lord."

I ask him.

"I'd like to get rid of formalities, so I'll call you Sesshomaru."
I tell Lord Sesshomaru.
"Call me Tyra."

I heard Lord Sesshomaru say to me.

"Yep, that's my name.
Don't wear it out."
I giggle at him.

"Though I'm Kagome's cousin, I'm a bit older than her by many years."
I tell Lord Sesshomaru.

Lord Sesshomaru asked.

I'm thirty."
I tell him.
"I'm not shy about my age."
I shrug at him.
I groan next, saying as I had my right hand on my lower back.
"Riding on this saddle is something to get used to.
I mean I never rode on the back of a horse before."

"Never rode a horse?
Lord Sesshomaru says to me.

"Back home we had things called automobiles or cars.
They have four rubber wheels and are metal, and they can go faster than a horse."
I tell him.
"Including such things like farm equipment made of metal that have wheels.
As well as four wheeled equipment to build buildings as tall as the eye can see."

"You are crazy."
Jaken laughed.
Then I heard him go Ugh in pain.

"What was that?"
I ask Lord Sesshomaru.

"Jaken being Jaken."
He says to me.
"Are you hungry?"

"Not yet."
I tell him honestly.
"I had breakfast already.
So where are we going?"

"To find Inuyasha.
To deliver you to him and your so called cousin."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me.

"Right, I did ask you to do that."
I say nervously.

"You were found far away from the well you came from with that creature."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me.

"I was?
So you know how to get to where the well is right?"
I ask him.

"Yes I do."
Lord Sesshomaru says to me.

"I'm glad you do, but what if I gotta go to the bathroom?
Is there anywhere to go?
Like an outhouse?"
I ask him.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Where stories live. Discover now