29. The Tale of Leo Galló, Pt.3

Start from the beginning

"It was easy," - He muttered, after taking a second to breathe. - "I just gave a little money to a one of his Board of Director's Personal Assistants, they informed me of the purchase of the book as well as McDuck's travel plans."


"Really?" - He questioned, his tone suspicious.

"Yes, really." - Truthfully, she wasn't that impressed with the feat, but Goldie had quickly realised that keeping the CEO happy was in her best interest.

As she continued to butter the Rabbit up, one of his indistinguishable henchmen came up to him.

"Sir." - They greeted, saluting Prince as if greeting a decorated soldier. - "We've uncovered another section of the temple. We believe it may be the Treasury."

Prince's smile returned. - "Treasury?" - He echoed, before turning to his rhinoceros bodyguard. - "Keep an eye on her Ivan." - He instructed, as he followed his henchmen further into the temple via a split in the packed ice wall, which had been created using controlled explosions.

Goldie turned to the towering creature who was now her new warden. - "What happened to your cheek?" - She asked, having noticed the large band aid covering the right have of his face, earning only a low grunt in response.


   Scrooge, Della, Donald and Leo continued to traverse the frost-ridden fortress at a much quicker pace now that Prince had ordered the majority of his men to focus on continuing to excavate parts of the temple that had become too frozen to access, as well as having more stability due to the goons salting the ground to keep from slipping.

They were still on edge though. Not knowing if they would run into a larger group of Prince Postal lackies when they turned the next corner.

Following the trails of black smudges left in the wake of the explosions, it wasn't hard for Scrooge and the teenagers to find the large hall where Goldie was being kept. 

More pictures had been engraved in the walls, kept more intact than the ones in the entrance hall thanks to the thick ice. It was clear the purpose of the large hall was for worshiping the hero-turned-tyrant, shown by the pictures of cloaked figures praying in front of the once noble Blacksmith.

Luckily, the entrance to the hall was at the top of a set of stairs and surrounded by a small balcony, allowing them a brief moment to survey Goldie, her captor and the handful of men that the rhino had ordered to stay back, through a crack in the ice, created by the resultant shakes from the explosions.

"I don't think we can brute force are way through this." - Leo quietly commented, watching the Rhino he had scarred, sharpen a combat knife with a small whetstone.

Scrooge watched two of the goons chat by another tunnel leading further into the temple, their hands resting on the buts of their batons. - "Aye, I think you're right lad. It might be easier if we can get some of those guards out of here."

Leo smirked, before hitting the transmit button on the radio. - "Requesting backup to the Great Hall!" - He stated, putting on his faux American accent once more, making up a story as it was happening. - "Five- No, six armed individuals have us pinned. Repeat Requesting backup to the Great Hall!"

With baited breath, the four watched as the Rhino ordered half of his men to respond to the call.

As they needed to go up the stairs to get to the Great Hall, the four adventurers retreated back into the hallway, before taking refuge in a small hallway storage room. It was a tight fit, but the group managed to squeeze comfortably inside and close the door.

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