9. Maria St. Claire.

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"Hey Maria." - Louie greeted blankly, entering into his apartment. The rest of his group, curious to whom this mysterious woman was, followed him inside, marvelling at the luxurious modern penthouse that made up his main home.

The thief took a sip from her Starducks Coffee cup. - "Heya Lou."

"Uhh, Louie?" - Huey questioned, before taking a step closer and whispering. - "Who is this person?"

Louie sighed. - "This is Mar-

"Maria St. Claire." - She interrupted, getting up from the sofa, and shaking Huey's hand. - "It's scary how similar you three look." - She remarked, while his family gave him strange looks."

"She's my-" - He paused. - "At this point, I'm not actually sure."

"Girlfriend." - She suggested.


Maria smirked. - "Only a matter of time before we are back together."

"Keep telling yourself that." - He countered. - "How'd did you get in here anyway? I thought I took your key, and I've got the best security system in the city."

"A magician never reveals her secrets."

Louie rubbed his eyes tiredly. - "Well, this certainly has been fun, but I'm sort of in the middle of something." - He gestured behind him. - "So, I think it's time you leave."

"Not even going to listen to my proposal?"

Louie pulled her off his sofa, and to the front door. - "Well, I'm flattened, but I don't think we're a good match."

"Hilarious." - Maria remarked dryly. - "But I'm talking more about a business proposal."

"So you can take another prize from me?"

She feigned indifference, turning away from Louie. - "I have never done anything of the sort."

Louie run his hand through his head-feathers, and sighed. - "You still have my phone, which you took to steal information I'd gathered, and take my heist from me."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." - She reached into her bag and pulled out a familiar device in a green and black case. She tossed it to Louie, who caught with one hand. 

He expected his phone. - "You better not have bugged this."

"No... But I did put my new number on it."

"Great, now I'll know to delete it."

Maria opened the door, but couldn't resist one last remark. - "I'll call you later."

Louie tutted as he shut the door, knowing that the next few months would be a real headache for him. He turned back to his guests, who were just standing around awkwardly through that whole encounter. 

"Does anyone want a drink?" - He asked, grabbing a couple of glasses from a kitchen cupboard, before filling two glasses of water, one for Webby and one for Huey. He handed the two their drinks, when he noticed something strange.

"What?" - Louie asked, noticing the expressions on Scrooge and his Mother's faces.

"You got yourself a Goldie." - His Mother teased.


"A 'Goldie'," - Scrooge explained, taking a seat on the sofa, soon followed by the rest of the McDuck's. - "Someone, who you'll know and trust, will give ya help in times of crisis. But will also then turn around and use that trust to snatch treasure from out under ya nose."

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