23. Start of the Trials.

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   Louie could vaguely sense what was happening after he had been drugged, but his vision was blurred and his movements were slow and unresponsive, as if he were submerged in honey.

He kept drifting in and out consciousness and each time he awoke he was in a different location, first, he was still in a car, though he it was evident that time had passed as the sun was just beginning to arise, nearly blinding the teen when a stray beam shot directly into his eyes, he body reacted and he swivelled his head to avoid the beam and suddenly was on a plane.

By the spacious and comfy chairs as well as the polished design, Louie guessed that the plane was a private one, most likely owned by either Cyrus or possibly to the Guild. 

During the five or so minutes that Louie was conscious, the plane was experiencing some turbulence. Shaking violently as rain pounded the window and thunder and lighting raged outside. Across from him sat Cyrus calmly sitting there, a book in one hand, a glass of what was probably whiskey in the other.

The plane leapt thanks to the turbulence and Louie changed locations again, now he was on a gurney, being pushed down a dimly-lit hallway. Two individuals in hooded maroon robes with golden trims stood both forward and behind the gurney, one pushing and pulling, each wearing a small brooch of the Guild's Sigel, the gold six fingered hand.

After what felt like hours of trailing down the hallway, but what was most likely only a few minutes, Louie passed out once more.

The next time he roused from his slumber, it wasn't natural, instead, he violently jerked awake as a bucket of freezing water was dumped over him.

Having been robbed of his jacket, the ice-cold water soaked into his white t-shirt and into his feathers, instantly shocking him into action. 

He was in a square room built of of cracked and moss-covered grey stone bricks with similar stone used as floor tiles. The entire room was being lit up by a single candle stick sitting on a bronze handheld candle holder, which was the only object in the entire room.

Getting up, he cracked his stiff back before crossing the room and picked up the candle.

Now that he was carrying the metal candle-holder, he noticed the piece of pale parchment stuck to the bottom.

"Wonder what this is..." - He questioned out loud, as he pried the paper free. Flipping it over, he noticed there was a message, or more accurately, a poem on it. - "If you wish to be free. You must complete the trials three." - He read aloud. - "First a test of belief. You cannot see, but watch your feet..." - He finished. - "A poet obviously didn't write this." - He commented, looking around.

The room had no obvious exit or entrance, just four solid walls and an equally impenetrable ceiling and floor.

He stood there confused for a moment, before he realised what the message was telling him. Blowing out the candle, the room was entrenched in darkness. For a moment he was unsure whether he was right, then there was a mechanical whirl and a section of the stone wall to his left slid backwards and then to the side, revealing a secret passage.

Another candle lit up the narrow hallway, as well as illuminating the bronze arrows that had been painted on the wall to point the way.

Venturing down the tunnel, Louie saw that the it also ended up led into a wall, but he knew what he was doing now. Blowing out the candle, he was again met with another hidden entrance to the next part of the tunnel.

The next part of the tunnel was much longer than the first, but the candle at the end was still visible. As he walked further and further down the tunnel, his foot was suddenly caught on something and tripped. As he hit the ground, he remembered the second part of the rhyme. 

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