She had conjured the magics of the Moon Garden people first, projectiles made of air that tore apart one scout. Then she had used the telekinesis magic of the Red Sands to turn the dirt to whips, while spitting fire from her diminutive mouth. Burning one scout to mere ashes and cleanly slicing the other in half with the whips of hard dirt she had controlled. Three magics in one child! This was unheard of and unseen in all of Eldon's studies. He had visited her every day, bringing her food and water and hoping for some sort of connection. He had wondered if she was keeping more magics to herself, perhaps a fourth or fifth unheard of magic? His idea was to befriend her, to try and gain her trust. This was proving to be futile as all she ever said was her name. That was few and far between too, as she had rarely spoke even that.

Today, he had decided, was going to be the day that he broke her. One way or the other, she was going to give up her secrets and Lucan was well prepared to open her like a box and devour the magic inside of her. He was already stronger than anyone he had heard of, with her magics though...he would have more than just the Emerald Kingdom under his control. All of Vale would cower in his wake and bend their knee. He would see this world scorched and he would rule over all of the land as far as the eye could see and beyond.

There was another shuffle inside of the cell, and Lucan could now make out the heat of her face in the darkness. She was within mere inches of the hole in the front, peering out. "My Pela, I don't know where you came from but I do know what a treat you will be. What magics do you keep hidden from me, love? What wonders do you possess that will soon become mine?"

He could see she had retreated back from the front. It always seemed she could understand what he was saying, what a curious thing she was. So young and so powerful, destined to give her sacrifice for a true ruler. A true King. Once he had bonded her magic to him, he would lead from the front line and show the world that he was not to be stopped. That he was a man to be feared and could not be halted in his thirst for power. The Battle of Dry Lake was not a loss. No, not in the least. He hadn't even wanted to fight, but he had met the army of the three towns and though they thought they had won. He had merely wanted to pass through to go to his new fortress in the Salt Deserts, and sent most of his troops on a detour around the pitiful town. How laughable those men were that thought they had thwarted the army of the Flame Sect. Had Lucan willed it, he could've crushed and decimated them all. Even that old man of a soldier, Draxx Club Hand, they had called him. He had rallied the farmers, merchants and traders to fight, but let them think that they had won. Complacently was the downfall of most men.

Lucan stood up and tied his robe back, the tremors had passed and the all encompassing body heat had subsided. "Elrie, bring me the keys!" He called down the hall.

From the left of where Lucan sat, just out of sight, a rattle of metal could be heard. Elrie was the troll of a jailor for the prisoner cells. A bald and pudgy thing with sallow sunken eyes and a jaw that jutted out so far that his yellow and black teeth were always visible. He had reminded Lucan of a living stick figure, with a round upper body and legs like that of a twig. He came around the corner, ambling like the monster he was. One leg slightly dragging and his hunched back making his head look like it protruded from his chest. His simple linens were filthy and he smelled like days old feces.

"High King, the keys." He said, through what sounded like a mouth full of mush.

Lucan stood and snatched the keys from him, "You may take leave now, your presence may be welcomed to the prisoners you keep but it utterly disgusts me."

"As the King wishes, so he-"

He was cut off by a hard slap across the face, "Enough with the babbling you wretched fool. Leave us! You smell of shit!"

With a soft whimper, Elrie scuttled away rubbing his cheek. There was a soft scuffle in the cell again, "Pela?" The voice from the cell questioned.

Lucan turned towards her and composed his best smile, "Oh, don't feel sorry for that monster. My little one, he has maimed and beaten and tortured more men in his life than you have ever encountered. You see, he enjoys it. Lives for it. Before I even employed him as my Master of the Dungeons, he was a vile child raper and known for mutilation of his young child victims."

There was no reply. "Yes, feel not for him. The Gods will have their fun when he finally dies."

Lucan lifted the keys to the light and thumbed through them before finding the cell key he was searching for. He drew in a deep breath and slid the key into the lock and turned. A loud metal click rang out and echoed down the corridor, "Now, my Pela. Now, you may feel for yourself because today. I take all of what you have been hiding."

The dim light illuminated most of the cell and he could see her now, clad in dirty linens. Her hands bound in a solid casing of metal, locked from the side. Her face was covered with oiled linens as well, presumably to prevent her from trying to use her fire magic. What a pitiful look for such a powerful creature, Lucan thought to himself.

"This is only going to be as hard as you make it, child." He said as he strode into the cell.

She was backed into a corner and the binding chains were taunt against their iron anchors. She was trembling, and in this, Lucan took delight. She should be scared, he was a man to be feared after all. Reaching his hand out and extending a palm out he conjured a flame and he laughed as she jumped.

"Oh no, this flame isn't for you. I couldn't destroy the thing I came to take without first getting what I want."

He smiled as he felt at his breast for the knife he had kept inside of his robe. They had to be alive when the brain was eaten, because then the magic was stronger. The binding better, and truth be told. He had grown to enjoy the taste of the blood and brain matter, with the tingle along the tongue of the thread of magic. Slowly, deliberately, he pulled the knife out and held it over the flame. The knife edge heating up and beginning to glow that beautiful shade of red.

"This, though, is for you." Lucan whispered as crouched down to get face to face with her.

He could smell her hot breath through the oiled linen on her face, coming in quick bursts. His blood was pumping through his veins, like molten lava erupting from a volcano. This was his destiny, his purpose given shape and he would rip it right out of her.

"This will hurt for a moment. Then-"

He was cut off by her head crashing into his mouth, slightly staggering him from the unexpected blow, "You little bitch!" He yelled.

He had dropped the knife and as he reached down to grab it again, his world tore apart. She screamed and his ears had felt like they were going to explode. His vision danced into thousands of bright explosions and he fell backwards. She screamed again and with a pop, the world around him ceased to have volume, except for a high pitched ringing. He reached up to cup his ears and felt blood, his head swam in nauseating circles and through the tears in his vision he saw the bindings on her hands shatter. He watched her pull the linens off of her face and like a predator about to finish their kill. She walked towards him, eyes narrowed and screamed again. Though this time he couldn't hear the terrible sound, he felt it in his body just before the world went black.

An Axe in the FlamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin