Station 19🚒

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So abit of a different story I decided to do one where you already know the characters from station 19. Let me know if you prefer these or the types of stories I've been doing. Your name is Annie.

Annie: I find myself pushed down into the chair for the third time that week, I already know whats coming. My boyfriend Josh slaps me across the face before punching me in the stomach. I double over in pain and let out a cry.
Josh: You deserve everything you get you little b!tch, im going to bed dont think about joining me.
Annie: Josh you need serious help this can't keep happening i can only cover so many bruises up with makeup.
Josh: Then stop covering them up at least I'll be rid of you then.
Annie: As Josh goes upstairs and slams the bedroom door shut i grab my coat and head out of the house. I run to my friend Andy's house. She always knows what to do and say. I'm running for about an hour but I don't care i get to her house and knock on the door. There was no answer its only 11pm so I don't think she would be asleep. I carry on running for another half an hour, there's only one other place she would be at this time of night. I walk into reception of Station 19 and a guy is sat there with his arm in a blue cast. Hi im looking for Andy Herrera.
Warren: Oh right she's either in her bunk or the beanery or the lounge come on we'll find her together. Whats your name?
Annie: I'm Annie.
Warren: Ohh she's always telling us about you seems like when you two are together things get a bit crazy. Travis have you seen Andy?
Travis: Lounge with a few of the others.
Warren: Come on, Andy Annie's here.
Andy: Annie what are you doing here what is this.
Annie: Whats is what?
Maya: You have a red cheek and a handprint on the same cheek, sorry.
Annie: Oh that i didn't realise he'd left a mark im fine.
Andy: No your not whats up?
Annie: I've just had a really long day I could use someone to have a drink and cuddle with?
Andy: Well I can help with the cuddle bit but the drink bit will have to wait I get off shift in the morning.
Annie: Okay sounds good to me.
Maya: You guys cuddle?
Andy: Not like that we have been friends for years its totally platonic.
Maya: if you say so.
Andy: I cuddle you when you've had a bad day.
Warren: She does have a point.
Maya: Your supposed to be on my side Warren.
Andy: Fight it out between yourselves.
Annie: They seem nice.
Andy: Your just saying that, Gibson you don't mind if we take the other bunk do you?
Jack: Go ahead hi we haven't met im Jack.
Annie: I'm Annie, a friend of Andy's.
Andy: Shes here to get away from her abusive boyfriend.
Annie: ANDY, how did you know?
Andy: I'm a firefighter I see this all the time and Ryan was a cop so.
The next morning
Andy: So plan of the day is we go back to my place drown our sorrows all day then later we meet up with my team at Joes and get smashed.
Josh: Annie baby there you are i have the car outside come on lets go.
Annie: I'm not coming home with you Josh.
Josh: But you love me?
Maya: She has all these firefighters around who would happily do time for her, if it came to it.
Warren: Shes a friend of Andys and has spent the whole night here i don't know you at all.
Josh: I'm here to say sorry.
Annie: Sorry doesn't fix everything.
Andy: Come on lets go and don't even think about following us because I will call the cops.
Jack: I hope someone hurts you like you've hurt her.
Travis: Now get out before we throw you out.

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