Station19 🚒

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Your name is Annie herrera and you are the twin sister of Andy, Pruitt has just died.

You arrive at station 19 you climb out of the car and head for reception you know no one here and to your knowledge no one knows you.

Travis: welcome to Station 19 how can I help you today?

Annie: my name is Annie im looking for Andy herrera I was told she would be here

Robert: does she know your coming? now is a really hard time for her

Annie: no she doesn't know im coming i can come back later if that would be better

Maya: Annie? I've only ever seen you in photo's but I'd know you anywhere. I'm so sorry about your dad I tried to stop him going up that ladder but he wanted to save Andy and the others.... you have no idea who I am, how embarrassing im Maya Andy's best friend

Annie: hi Maya that was a lot I didn't think Andy or my dad talked about me, so you were there at the scene what did my dad say just before he went up the ladder?

Maya: why don't we take this into my office its more private... don't just stand there Montgomery go and get Andy she's in the beanery i think come on

Travis: hey Andy someone's downstairs looking for you Maya has taken them into her office said her name was Annie

Andy: oh my thank you Travis I better go and see whats going on

Maya: he said tell her I was looking out for her like I have all her life or something like that meaning your sister Andy

Andy: Annie why are you here?

Annie: hey sis I know you don't want me here but dad has just died and we don't have anyone else, I need my big sister im sorry for what I said all those years ago but this is why I didn't want you and dad to be firefighters. The world is dangerous enough without you BOTH choosing a career where you run into fire. I might never earn your trust again or your forgiveness but I would like to try, I want to be there for you and you to be there for me like when we were kids. We were inseperable what happened to us?

Andy: mum died and it tore the family apart I know that dad's biggest regret was loosing contact with you and now you'll never be able to know him anymore than you already do and you'll never be able to tell him that you forgive him and that you love him and that you miss him and he'll never be able to tell you how much he loves you and that he forgives you for what you said he knew you were just scared. I love you Annie, please help me with everything

Annie: of course I will and I will get to tell him all of that when we say goodbye to him he'll just never hear it

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