911 lonestar💙

431 2 0

You are Tiegan Strand. You are TK'S sister, you are 2 years younger.

Carlos: Some gun men started a fire on the east side of the mall, gun men are in custody. It's all yours 126.
Owen: Do we not know how many people are still in there?
Carlos: A couple of people are trapped in a clothing store on the second floor.
Owen: 126 you're with me.
Carlos: One more thing Owen had reports that one of the people trapped was hit with a shower of glass from one of the windows, not sure how bad but someone was giving medical aid according to the store manager.
Tommy: Okay Nancy, TK get bandaged and tape just incase.
The 126 arrive at the store.

Owen: Okay everyone stay calm we are here to help and we are going to get you all out of there.
Tommy: I heard someone was giving medical aid.
Tiegan: Yes thats me a piece of glass embedded in his shoulder from the amount of blood it's nicked an artery.
Tommy: Okay and what have you done so far?
Tiegan: I've used a belt as a tournique kit, its slowed the blood down significantly but not stopped it all together.
Judd: we're almost through cap.
Tommy: I'm going to need to be the first in there.
TK: All the equipment is ready cap.
Tiegan: TK??
Judd: we're through guys.
Tommy: Nancy take over at the shoulder, TK get the life pack ready.... TK....
Tiegan: HEY LOOK AT ME SORT IT OUT, I'll explain right now help these two save his life. TK MOVE!!!
TK: Uhmm sorry cap what was that?
Tommy: Get the life pack ready.
Judd: Give me your hand.
Tiegan: I'll see you soon?
TK: Yeah dad's downstairs good luck.
Tiegan: HaHa funny.
TK: I'm being deadly serious he's downstairs.
Tommy: He's stable enough lets all get out of here.
Tiegan: Was he being serious, is my dad downstairs?
Judd: I don't know considering i don't know who your dad is.
Tiegan: Sorry im Tiegan Strand.
Judd: Oh right Owen's your dad?
Tiegan: yes.....
Judd: Oh well then yeah your going to see your dad in about 30 seconds.
Tiegan: Ooo okay he's going to freak out.
Judd: That would be my guess.
Owen: Captain Vega is that everyone?
Tommy: No one else is in that building.
TK: Dont freak out dad.
Owen: Freak out about what..... TK.....
Tiegan: About me..... hi dad.
Owen: Tiegan? Are you hurt?
Tiegan: No im okay not hurt.
Judd: She was actually the person giving medical aid up there before the paramedics. Kept that man alive.
Owen: what are you doing here? I thought you were in California.
Tiegan: I transfered here, I'm moving here dad to be with you and TK. I missed the both of you.
Owen: We missed you too.
Marjan: Not enough to tell us about her though.
Owen: Maybe not but she was always with me. I have a photo of you in my wallet, is that creepy?
Tiegan: No it's what a parent should do.

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