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You are Gemma Nash, Bobby was your uncle, his wife was your mums sister.

Eddie: Hello can I help you?
G: I'm looking for Robert Nash?
Eddie: You mean Bobby Nash?
G: It could be but he always went by Robert back in Minosota.
G: Uncle Robert!!
Eddie: I'm going to leave you two to it unless you need me cap?
B: No it's okay thanks Eddie.
G: He seems... Nice.
B: Dont even go there, what are you doing here Gemma?
G: I came to see my uncle.
B: I'm not your uncle anymore I've moved on and the family made it pretty clear I wasn't apart of that family anymore.
G: They were all just missing Aunt Marcy.
B: That fire was my fault, I killed your Aunt and your cousins you can really forgive me?
G: I already did. It wasn't you you were an addict. Aunt Marcy, Brook and Robert Nash Jr wouldn't have wanted people to blame you. They all loved you. You were a part of our family and we all saw you were in a difficult spot but didn't know how to get you out even after they died. You relocated here and I was still young so I didn't have a phone I didn't know how to get in contact with you. As soon as I was 18 I came to LA to look for you.
B: Happy belated birthday.
G: Thats what you took from all that?
B: You've forgiven me what about the rest of the family?
G: No not forgiven you but I'm 18 i am striking out on my own.
B: On your own?
G: Well here in LA. Ever since Aunt Marcy died and you left i became the black sheep of the family. I can't place that onto any of my siblings or cousins so might as well carry on being the black sheep of the family.
B: That must be hard for you.
G: I'm used to it now.
A: Bobby Nash Grant!!!! Who is this and why are you holding her hand? This better not be what i think it is, there better be a good explanation. Well start talking.
B:A-Athena this is Gemma, Gemma this is Athena my wife.
G: I think you have got the wrong end of the stick I was his niece back in Minosota. I haven't come to upset him or you or anyone. I can leave if thats what you want?
A: You most certainly will not if Bobby wants you here then stay. I'm sorry for shouting I just..
G: I get i would be completely the same. Uhmm who are they?
B: Who? Uhmm back to work now the lot of you. Thats the team sorry about them.
G: No it's okay im sorry though they heard everything.
A: Ofcourse they did.
B: So your staying?
G: I'm staying ill start looking for an apartment and apply to the academy.
B: Like the fire academy?
G: I've wanted to be a firefighter ever since Aunt Marcy died. I want to help people who can't help themselves.
A: See building a legacy one firefighter Nash at a time.

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