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So a bit of a different one you are Adriana Diaz. She is NOT my character but we don't know much about her from 911 either.

Carla: What do you mean someone else has already picked ¹Chris up? Was it his dad Eddie? Or Buck?
Teacher: No it was another woman, never seen her before but she said she was Chris's aunt and Chris seemed more than happy to go with her.
Carla: Eddie is not going to be happy about this. Do you have cctv maybe I can recognise her?

On the phone:

Carla: Eddie Chris is gone.
Eddie: What do you mean Chris is gone?
Carla: I've just got to the school and they said he wasn't here, some woman picked him up claiming to be his Aunt.
Eddie: I'm going to go mad hang on let me check something..... I'm going to kill her, Carla come to the station I'll explain when you get here.
Carla: Okay I'm on my way, it doesn't matter about CCTV thankyou he's been found.

With the 118 whilst Eddie is on the phone with Carla.

B: Hi im the captain can I help you? Hey Chris come her a minute.
Adriana: He's not in any danger he's my nephew.
C: So you're Eddie's sister? Which one?
Adriana: I'm Adriana Diaz.
B: Hey Eddie get down here.
Chris: She got me from school.
Evan: what- what about Carla?
Adriana: Who's Carla?
Chris: She looks after me and she was supposed to pick me up today.
Eddie: ADRIANA, I'm going to murder you. Chris come here bud.
Adriana: uh-oh I'm in trouble.
Evan: Yeah I would say so.
Eddie: Can you guys watch him for a minute, YOU come with me.

With Eddie and Adriana:

Adriana: Okay let me explain i didn't know about Carla, Chris never said I thought I was helping.
Eddie: One don't blame this on Chris, Two how did you think I managed before you got here, Three do you have any idea of what went through my head when Carla rang to say Chris wasn't there.
Adriana: Yeah okay I should've called or messaged you to tell you but I wanted to surprise you.... Surprise.
Eddie: ughhh I can't stay angry at you, just apologise to Carla when she gets here.
Adriana: Absolutely 100 percent.

You join everyone else and Carla arrives at the station.

Carla: CHRIS come here give me a hug you scared me you little monkey.
Adriana: I'm so sorry im Adriana I'm Eddie's sister he didn't know I was coming. I wanted to surprise him I didn't mean to surprise you too.
Carla: Yeah thanks for that.
Eddie: Now that your all here lets get to know my meddling little sister. How long are you in LA?
Adriana: A couple of weeks I think. Haven't decided yet.
B: How about you three stay for something to eat I'll make us all something even invite Athena.
C: If your doing that cap can I invite Maddie and Jee.
B: Why not, Hen invite Karen and Denny, a proper whole family dinner thing.

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