chicago fire🔥

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Your name is Katie Dawson. Katie is my character, all other characters from chicago fire. You're 16⚠️tw s*xual @ssault⚠️

K: Morning mum, you and dad have work today right?

G: Yeah why? Remember Katie no parties the last thing me and your dad wanna do is come home and have to clean up after a bunch of teenagers.

K: Of course not mum I was just gonna go to Jake's later anyways. Don't worry I'll be home before you guys in the morning.

M: Just be careful sweetie and don't tell your big old dad not to worry because I'm gonna worry. Love ya sweetie come on gabs we gotta go.

Later that night

K: Hey Jake you said you wanted to see me tonight, mum and dad are at work and they know im here.

J: Oh hey baby yes I did and thats fine I just wanted to spend some time with you, come sit down and we can put on a movie.

The movie ends and you head upstairs

J: So when do your mum and dad get off shift?

K: 8 am why and can you stop touching me I don't want that. Can we not just cuddle and go to sleep im tired


K: I don't like this side of you that I'm seeing right now Jake. I said NO, GET OFF ME, I WANNA GO HOME.

Jake proceeds to r@pe you

After he's done you run away from his house and you carry on running, you don't know where you are, where your going or what your thinking your just numb.

You find yourself at Kim Burgess's house. You've always been close with her and you trust her, you know she will keep you safe you knock on the door loud enough to be heard but not too loud so you don't wake Mikayla it is 11:30pm. Adam Ruzek answers the door and sees the state your in so pulls you inside.

A: Just sit there one second im gonna go get Kim alright, your safe the doors locked.

KIM: Hey Katie what's going on hun, are you hurt? Where's your mum and dad? Do they know your here?

K: *sobbing* Kim please help me i don't know what to do. Jake r@ped me, please what do I do, it hurts.

KIM: Okay hun you stay here im not going anywhere im gonna call Voight I'll tell him not to tell Antonio but he's gonna wanna take on this case. Then I know you probably don't want me to but I'm gonna have to call your mum and dad, im guessing there at work?

K: NO you can't they'll just say i told you so. They never liked Jake, please.

KIM: Katie im sorry but I have to i also need to get you to med so they can do some tests and we can get evidence but I can't do that without your mum or dad.

At the firehouse, Kim decided it would be best to tell them in person you both get out the car but 51 are out on a call.

KIM: Okay come on then Katie we just need to wait for them to get back, Will is on his way he can do the tests here instead of at med.

K: Okay thanks Kim I didn't really know where I was running afterwards I just kinda let my legs take me wherever. Oh there's Will.

W: Hey right I've brought Dr Manning and April with me hope that's okay, I can't actually do the tests but were just gonna get somewhere set up where would be best to do this Katie do you think.

K: Uhm showers or my dad's quarters go for showers i haven't told my dad yet we're waiting on them getting back.

30 minutes later the shower area is ready and you hear the noises of the rigs pulling up.

KIM: Okay take a deep breath Katie, do you want to tell them or I can do it if thats easier.

K: No thanks Kim but I think I need to do this, you'll be with me though please. I can't do this alone.

KIM: You're not alone not ever. Nat and April are waiting in the showers so everything is ready.

G: Katie baby what are you doing here i thought you would be at home, Kim whats going on?

K: I'm sorry both of you I don't want you to hate me.

M: You are our baby girl we could never whats going on?

G: Sweetheart please your scaring us whatever it is we will get through it.

K: Jake.... Jake r@ped me.... I know I know you guys didn't like him from the start I should have listened and now now I have to go through this crap to get justice and I don't wanna do it but at the same time I need to an-

G&M: Come here we know we can't hug you at this present time but we can still hold your hand, we're right here its gonna be okay. AND don't you dare blame yourself this was not your fault.

The tests are done and you then take a shower and your 51 family gives you some spare clothes. You then fall asleep in your mums bunk room bed with all of 51 around you.

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