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You're Sophie Diaz. Eddie's little sister. Sophie is my character.

S: Okay we are here, are you ready to meet your Uncle Eddie. Right your 3 weeks old you can't talk. You got this Sophie.
C: Hi can I help you?
S: Yeah hi im looking for Eddie Diaz.
H: And who is this little treasure?
C: Diaz where are you?
Baby starts crying
H: Nicely done Chim.
S: Its okay I got her.
Eddie: I'm in they gym, whats going on?
S: No just let me go i got it thanks both of you.
Eddie: Chim whats going on?
S: Not Chim Sophie.
Buck: Wait who?
Eddie: Sophie my other little sister.
Buck: And-and the baby?
Eddie: Yeah thats a good question.
S: This is Andrea she is your niece Eddie.
Buck: Wait what? That's like 9 whole months of not talking right?
S: Yeah, Eddie where did you find him?
Eddie: Sophie be nice this is Buck i told you about him? And he's right why did I not know about this?
S: It was a surprise... surprise
Eddie: Well can I hold her?
S: Your all sweaty and she is 3 weeks old.
Buck: I have an idea we can go upto the loft and you can go have a shower and get changed, come and meet us after and you can hold her.... right?
S: Yes of course.
Eddie: Okay I won't be long. Look after them please.
Buck: I will.
Eddie: I was talking to her.
Buck: So a little girl... uhm
S: Andrea?
Buck: Sorry im useless with names.
S: My brother seems happy, you seem to make him happy.
Buck: He makes me happy too and Chris Chris is great.
S: So Chris likes you?
Buck: Yeah you know before we were together we were best friends.
S: I can see they are in good hands.
Buck: Hey guys this is Sophie Eddie's sister and her daughter Andrea.
S: I already met Hen and Chim.
Buck: Sorry cap looks like your the only one who hasn't met them.
B: Apparently so I'm the captain of the 118. Eddie's boss if you like.
S: It's a pleasure to meet you.
H: Can I hold her?
S: Maybe after Eddie because if I let you hold her before he does, he will kill me.
Eddie: Who's killing who now?
S: You would kill me if I let Hen hold Andrea before you.
Eddie: Oh yes yeah I would.
S: Here just please tell me none of you are sick.
B: No were all good right guys?
All: All clear.
S: Right well here you go Eddie and then after you can pass her around everyone calmly please.

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