"Mother, may I go now?" Tsireya asked, trying not to seem desperate to get out of there. Her mother took her time answering.

"After you help me pack up everything," she decided, turning around to gather some jars of salve and screw their lids back on. Tsireya waited until her mother turned fully, and sighed dramatically. She tied off the roll she had been using, clipping the end to keep it in place. She placed it back in its place behind her, and looked around to see if anything else was misplaced.

"Everything?" Tsireya asked, as there was hardly anything to tidy. Ronal turned around and faced her daughter.

"Where are you so eager to run off?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Tsireya involuntarily gasped, and rolled her eyes when her mothers eyebrow rose higher.

"I was going to see the Sully's," Tsireya mumbled half-heartedly.

"All of them?" Ronal prompted, clearly aware of exactly what Tsireya wanted to do.

"Well, mostly Lo'ak," Tsireya admitted, but quickly added "and his siblings." Ronal nodded softly.

"Do you often spend time with Lo'ak?" Ronal asked, smiling softly. "Or his siblings," she added, but Tsireya knew what she meant.

"I do, " she admitted "he's funny, and makes me happy." Tsireya smiled in spite of the the interrogative situation. She really did like Lo'ak, and his honesty in not being ready to sleep with her only made her admire him more. Unless his hesitancy was for another reason, like someone else... No. Tsireya mentally shook herself, that wasn't Lo'ak. Her mother nodded.

"I know. I want you to know as long as you're happy, I am happy for you." When Tsireya smiled a little too widely, she added "as much as I may not like your choice." Her mother's mouth quirked in an almost-smile.

"Thank you, may I go now?" Tsireya was antsy to meet him.

"Yes daughter, you may go," Ronal responded. Tsireya however was out of the door before she finished.

Lo'ak/Neteyam POV (Figure it out coz idk)

Standing around on the sand by the water, Lo'ak waited very impatiently. Neteyam had to place a reassuring hand on his arm several times to stop Lo'ak bouncing anxiously. 

"What if she's not coming?" Lo'ak wrung his hands nervously. Neteyam rolled his eyes.

"Right, and what if I don't like Ao'nung. Dude, she really likes you, got it?" Neteyam elbowed his brother. 

"She probably won't in a couple minutes, if she's even coming." Lo'ak mumbled, looking at the ground. 

"Hey, don't talk like that, I keep telling you she'll understand." Neteyam rubbed his brother's shoulder. 

"How could she? I've been talking to her as if she's the only one, but she's not, and now I have to tell her that I might still possibly like someone else who is waiting for me to come back and I don't even know if I'm going to go back? That makes me a bad person for not loving her alone, and for ditching Li'riyat." Lo'ak was rambling now. Neteyam punched him a bit harder. 

"No, none of that is true. You're not a bad person because you can't do anything about it; it's not your fault." Neteyam reassured him. Lo'ak shook his head 

"I can't do this!" 

"Well, you're gonna have to because she's coming and I won't be explaining why you left so suddenly. So, unless you want her to think you saw her and ran off, I would figure out a way to do it pretty quick." Neteyam nodded down the beach to the silhouette of a girl with extremely big, curly hair. Lo'ak, trying to gain some ground back with his brother, rolled his eyes and said 

"But where oh where is your knight in shining dumb armour? Can you last without him or do we need to chase him down?" 

Neteyam blushed and shrugged. "Maybe I'll go find him after I help you now?" Neteyam deliberately accentuated his words with a raised eyebrow. Lo'ak was going to say something back, but Tsireya was now calling to him. 

"Lo'ak! Over here!" she called loudly, waving as if she might be missed in a non-invisible crowd otherwise. Lo'ak smoothly appeared surprised to see her, almost getting whiplash by turning away and back around to wave back. 

"Rey!" He ran over, sweeping her up in a big hug and they kissed just long enough to make it awkward for Neteyam to watch. As he was about to look away, the two broke apart. 

"Neteyam! How are you?" Tsireya smiled genuinly at him, and Neteyam saw why Lo'ak loved her. She made you feel like she cared about you, even if she would very much rather be talking to Lo'ak. Her smile was similar to Ao'nung's, but whereas his was usually smug in an attractive way, Tsireya's was innocent and welcoming in a beautiful way. 

"Good, thanks. You?" Neteyam replied, smiling back and giving her a hug too. 

"Wonderful! Sorry 'Nung isn't here, lazy ass couldn't drag himself out of bed. Supposedly he is very tired from his 'duties'." She rolled her eyes. Neteyam grinned. 

"Even at the prospect of seeing me?" Neteyam feigned hurt. Tsireya grinned.

"Apparently," she sighed dramatically. "Did you want to come with us for a bit on our swim?" 

Lo'ak almost deflated with relief that Tsireya had given Neteyam an opportunity to come with them without being suspicious. Neteyam smiled and pretended to consider.

"Well, I guess if Ao didn't want to join me, he can wait," Neteyam said while shrugging his shoulders. Tsireya nodded and took Lo'ak's hand. She pulled him towards the rock jutting out from the sand. Neteyam followed at a respectful distance, waiting until they had both jumped into the water to do the same. Together, they swam down to the floor, sitting among some fish lazily drifting across the floor. They talked in the sign language that Tsireya had taught them on their first weeks in the village, but Neteyam couldn't understand some of the motions the other two used to each other. 

Lo'ak breathed deeply and signalled Neteyam with a nod while his brother was talking to Tsireya about how lazy Ao'nung could be. Neteyam nodded slightly back, and continued talking. Lo'ak grabbed Tsireya's arm and motioned towards the surface. Neteyam followed after a minute; when Lo'ak had begun to swim away, he knew it was the time to initiate the conversation. He broke the surface, and Tsireya looked as if she was about to follow Lo'ak. Neteyam tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" He asked, trying to sound casual. Tsireya turned around and raised her eyebrow with a small laugh. 

"Of course, Neteyam, anything. What's up?" 

Sorry for the cut off, but this is already way too long. Appreciate y'all for sticking around. I thought it was nice to show a little discourse between Neteyam and Ao'nung, but also that disagreements don't mean they get mad at each other, they can communicate. Props to anyone who can guess where this is going. 

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