A/N bc i can

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Yk when you like someone but telling them will do nothing but just make talking to them awkward bc they dont like you back? It's the worst torture 

Anyways, this is nothing important, just letting y'all know I'm finished my big essay I was working on, and that took most of my free time. So, now I should be updating more but I can't guarantee. 

Also, since my french is improving, I want to try writing in it, because it would probably help me improve more. If anyone is interested in that or cares lmk.

I'm trying to think of where I want this story to go, or if it's worth starting to wrap it up ('wrapping it up' would probably mean 5-10 more chapters max). I don't want it to drag on and become bad, but I'm thinking maybe I'll do the kind of thing I did with Tsireya and Lo'ak, and do oneshot type things. Thoughts?

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