Mutagen Man Unleashed

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Upside In New York

Casey was standing in an alleyway on his phone when someone pulled him into the darkness of the alleyway. "I'm not afraid of you!" Casey yelled then he hear laughter. Casey opens his eyes to see Cheyenne with her sisters and Tasneem was laughing at him. "Well, don't you look cool right now." Jesse said to him while Cheyenne walks over to Casey. "Casey, this is my sisters." Cheyenne said to him while putting her hand on Casey's shoulder.  "The one in the pink is my younger sister Tasneem, the one in the blue is Jesse and the one who is giving you a mad face is Jamey." Cheyenne said to him. "I'm not mad." Jamey said to her while Casey looks at the sisters. "You have" Casey said to Cheyenne as he looks at her. "You didn't even ask me out before I meet your family." Casey said to her making Tasneem laugh a little. "Don't get your hopes up, she likes someone else." Tasneem said to him. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Casey." Jesse said to him while walking over to him. "It's good to meet you too blue." Casey said to her as Jamey walks up to them with Tasneem following her. "So, Casey do you want to hung out?" Jamey asks him making Casey smile at her.

Back At The Lair

Metalhead makes some beep sounds to Donnie. "Yep, it's a mess, metalhead." Donnie said to him. "What happened?" Leo asks Donnie who looks at them. "Timothy somehow escaped, And I think he went after Cheyenne. Come on, I'll fill you in on the way." Donnie said to them and the brothers run into the hole that Timothy made.


The brothers were jumping rooftop to rooftop trying to find the sisters. "I didn't know it, but I think all of my Cheyenne talk made Timothy go after her."  Donnie said to his brothers as they run. "You told your thoughts and feelings to a pile of guts in a jar?" Raph asks him as Donnie jumps onto another rooftop. "He's a good listener.' Donnie said to him while Leo takes out his T-phone and he tries to call Jesse. "How dangerous is this thing?" Leo asks Donnie. "Well, he obviously doesn't know his own strength. He could end up hurting her." Donnie said to him getting worried about the sisters. "Jesse T-Phone's is off and there's no way of tracing the signal." Leo said to them. "Actually, I think the girls might be at the park." Donnie said to them making his brothers stop while Mikey falls off his skateboard. " And you know this how?" Raph asks him as the three look at Donnie. "Um, I was eavesdropping on the sisters when they think we are not around." Donnie said to them while holding onto his belt that was holding his Bo Staff. "Well, that's not creeptastic. You do know that girls need their time away from us boys." Mikey said to him. "Let's go find them before Timothy." Leo said to them and the brothers move out.

At The Park

Casey was riding his bike around with the sisters who were riding their skateboards. "So, you have sisters..." Casey said as he rides next to Cheyenne. "You have any other family members?" Casey asks her. "I have one but you will not like that person." Cheyenne said to him. "Who is it? Is it your..." Casey said then he crashes into Jamey. "Watch where you going!" Jamey yelled at him making Jesse and Tasneem look at them. "Why don't you watch where you going!" Casey yelled at her while the other three watch the two fight. "You like pushing buttons, don't you, Jones?" Jesse said to Casey.


Cheyenne hears someone or something call her name making her turn to see Timothy. "Timothy." Cheyenne said as Timothy walks over to her before Cheyenne can do anything Casey stands infront of her. "What are you doing?" Cheyenne asks him as her sisters walk over to them to see Timothy making his way over to them. "Whatever that thing is, It's pure evil and completely cool-looking. I'll handle this, sweetheart." Casey said to her. "Sweetheart?" Cheyenne said to him then Timothy roars furiously. "You punk kid!" Timothy yelled as he roars. "I don't think it likes you." Jamey said to him. "We're even." Casey said to her then Timothy runs at them making the group jump out of the way. Casey starts threwing things at him only for Timothy to hit him into a wall. "Back off, gruesome!" Jamey yells at him as the sisters jump in front of Casey. "Why did you get out?" Cheyenne asks him as Jamey attacks Timothy with her twin kamas hitting his legs while Jesse stabs Timothy's arms. Timothy hits Jesse and Jamey into a wall making Tasneem wipe her manriki around him. Cheyenne walks over to Timothy while holding her bo in her hand. "Wait! Friend!" Timothy said to her. "Wait." Cheyenne said to him then Timothy breaks Tasneem's weapon. Casey stands up and cracks his neck and so he alongside with sisters teams up and using their own techniques and strength to defeat the monster. Casey energetically rushes tries to hit the monster with one last time until the mutagen Man grabs his weapon and acids it with one hand and Casey becomes amazed. "Acid hands? Wow!" Casey said then he gets punches then Timothy then turns to the girls. "Casey, go home." Jesse said to him as Casey stands up. "But I want to help." Casey said to them while Tasneem pushes his bike to Casey. "Go home, Casey. We will handle this." Cheyenne said to him. "Fine, but right time I will fight and not run away." Casey said to them and he rides his bike away. "Now what?" Jamey asks them as Timothy walks over to them. "We need to get him back into the sewer." Cheyenne said to them. "And how do we do that?" Tasneem asks her as the sisters walk back away from Timothy. "He wants me right? We can use that." Cheyenne said to them.

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