51.Please kill me..

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Nandini was still tied listening to Aryaman's crazy physco stories.When suddenly they heard the door opening yes..It was Manik and thr police who found Nandini . As it is said that if police are willing to find anything then they have the power to do it in a blink but as they are not always that attentive the mishaps occur.

(Note:I don't want to hurt anyone by saying this being a daughter of colonel my father too is indirectly related to this police and all but I feel this is the reality even my father's co-officers feels the same that in most of these cases many time the police are not active enough and being an Bengali recently we ate finding that it's the police only who by taking chores of money are helping the criminals...)

M- Aryaman how dare you??(punching him)

A-Manik my love you are here..(Smiling

M- What are you saying bastard are you mad..(punching )

A-You you too are calling me mad..my love

M-Arya what's wrong with you?Just stop it why are you calling me those..

A-Because I love you...

M-Are you in your senses Arya..

A-Ya I am and I know you too love me but this Nandini bi..

M-(cutting him off)Arya dare you complete the sentence..Yes I did love you as a very good friend of mine just like fab5 but you....

A- Why what's wrong in it??

M-Arya you have gone mad today was my marriage with Nandu...

A-Marraige??(laughing)Ha ha that will never happen..

M-(punching him)What do you mean??

A-What do you think I don't know that you will not leave me after catching me but I will not allow Nandini to marry you never I have already dru..


Before he could finish we heard a loud screaming...


I hurriedly left that bastard collar and went to Nandini... she was coughing blood

M-Nandu Nandu what's happening ? What did you do to her bastard...

A-Nothing just gave her some highly poisonous slow poison now she her die slowly infront of you...

M-You nothing will happen...baby..

I took her in my arms running towards the car to take her to hospital leaving Aryaman in hands of the police I will take care of him later...

N-Man..nik our babi..bies please save tt..themm...

M-I will save all of you baby just don't close your eyes..

I hurriedly was driving the car..

N-It's hurting Manik I can't bear more..It's burning from inside..

M-Just a little more baby. I won't let anything happen to you...

N-I can't please kill me I can't bear this pain anymore..please I beg you Manik..

M-Nandu stop it don't say like this..

I hurriedly picked her up and ran in the hospital..

M-Is there anyone please save my wife...

D-Mr.Malhotra please keep the patient here..

I carefully kept Nandu in the stretcher not still leaving her hand..

D-Oh My God it's Dr.Nandini..what happened to her..

Doctor asked while going towards the O.T

M-I don't know please save her...

They hurriedly took her inside the O.T I too was going to enter when the nurse stooped me..

Nu-Sorry sir we can't let you inside..

M-But but Nandu..

N-It's protocol sir I am sorry...

M-(nodding)Please save her..

Nu-Doctor will try the best.Keep faith in God..


I was standing infront of the O.T waiting the doctors to inform me of her condition...

I saw Dad, mom , my friends, Ishita Maa and Raman papa running towards me..

Ram-Manik where is Nandu??What happened to her..

Seeing them I couldn't control my tears anymore and burst out crying..

M-Uncle..th..the doctors are treating her..
Uncle she will be fine right and my babies all will be fine right..

I turned when someone kept hand on my shoulder

C-Don't worry Manik everything will be ok..but who did this to her..

M- It's Aryaman...

Mu-What how dare he?? How could he we never expect him..

Ab-(cutting her off)Mukti it's not important now stop this how is she now Manik...

M-I Don't know Abhimanyu..

My legs where shaking just at the thought of something happening to my babies and Nandini..My mind was just too numb to react to anything..I just want my wife in my arms now...

I was silently praying to God to save my BABIES and my wife. I never cried like this before..No one ever saw such vulnerable sight of mine but Nandini she is my everything..my life my reason to live and I will never be able to cope up if something happens to her..

Ne-Nothing will happen to my daughter.Manik don't cry please keep faith in God

Finally the door of the O.T opened and the doctor came I hurriedly ran to them..weeping me tears..

M-How is my Nandu doctor?? She is OK right nothing will happen to her right and my babies everyone is

Do-(cutting him off)I am sorry Mr.Malhotra...



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