50.Please be fine..

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First of all I want to ask sorry to all my readers for the sudden unannounced break..Hope you all forgive me.. actually I was quite busy these last few days and couldn't update hope you all understand me...


N-(crying) Leave me who are you why are you doing this...

Unknown- Hello hello my dear friend...

Few hours back,

I was getting ready it was finally time for my and Manik's marraige I saw tge barat has arrived and now everyone is busy doing those naagin, ballet , salsa and all form of dance form possible.. I saw Manik to joining them and just as a smile formed on my face seeing him I saw him looking upwards to where I was standing.. and as soon as he noticed me he gave a flying kiss and made a heart by his hand towards my direction i hurriedly went back blushing hard..

God Why is he so adorable as well as hot ?

I was busy admiring him when I Suddenly felt someone entering in the room..

First I thought I was just mistaken as all were downstairs enjoying with the barat they insisted to stay with me to take care of me but I forced them to go and enjoy..and after thousand of warnings and caution they finally went..

My thoughts were finally broken on hearing the window breaking and before I could understand anything I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and then

Everything turned BLACK


I woke up to see myself in an unknown place.. I looked down to see I am tied with rope and a tape covering my mouth....

I tried opening it but couldn't...Suddenly I heard a voice Making me scared...

Un- Couldn't open??

He said removing my mouth tape

N- You?

Un- Ya me are you OK? How are you in this condition??

N- I don't know Arya why are you here can you please open the ropes..

Ar-Ya off course

He came to open but suddenly I saw his expression changed into something physco it was not the Arya we know for years..

Ar- Umm you know what no I will not open..

N- Aryaman what the hell is wrong with you why are you behaving like this??

Ar- Umm you don't know it's so satisfying to see you like this...

N- That means did did did you kid..kidnapped me??

Ar- Congratulations Nandini you guessed it right..

N- (crying)Why why did you do this ?

Ar-(ignoring her words) No no don't cry my friend after all you are my Manik's love..

You know what Nandu let me tell you a story you know no one hears my story they say I am mad you know I killed them.. You know what when I . I was here one lady in the airport shouted at me calling me mad you know what I did to her I made her eat glasses and then I wrote with her blood I am not mad...see see I even clicked a picture isn't it wonderful..

N- Stop it Arya you have gone mad...

Ar-(ignoring her) See this next one this woman she was pregnant and in the mall she called me physco but I am not a physco right than how can he call me that so you know what I did I put her house on fire leaving no ways for her to Escape and you know those scream it was bliss...See see(forcing her to see those pictures)

N-(crying)Arya please please stop...

Ar-No you have to see see see this(Shouting) I said see you tell how can they call me all those am I mad say am I mad Nandini..
OK you will not answer no issues I know your answer already.. I am mad(laughing) yes I am mad a physco so what but you know Nandu I was not always like this...

Let me tell you one more story

Once upon a time there was a boy who was fat, lonely, he had no family no friends no one everyone hated him..His classmates used to bully him..Going outside his room was a trauma for him..And then came one more shock to his life when he came to know he was homosexual although many people didn't knew but some people came to know but bhagwan ka lakh lakh sukhar they promised to not tell anyone others about this but in return to keep the secret a secret they gang raped me everyday...
He felt he was a loser..He had no hope left in his life...But then suddenly came a new Comer.. He was the most handsome yet cute and loving boy he had ever seen.. Seeing the boy he befriend him..He knew the new boy was different..

The new boy used to fight with others for him..The boy was his first friend..He learned to live, how to enjoy life.. The boy was his Guardian angel, his Manik..He started falling in love with MANIK but never confessed to lose their friendship...Manik became his obsession, his love..

And finally after many courage he finally gained the courage to confess to MANIK but destiny had his own plan . Manik was not present in the college for about two days he was in his penthouse.. The boy excitedly went to Manik's penthouse to call him.. He opened the door with the spare key Manik had given him..He heard some moans and groans from the room.. His heart started to beat loudly in fear he don't want to misinterpret anything and went and there was Manik having sex with a girl . And you know who that boy was it was me.I hurriedly closed the door unable to see the scene anymore...

And you know what hurt me the most he didn't even acknowledge I was there.How could he do this to me..You say did he did right what about me ha what about me ha?? Later I asked him repeatedly and finally he agreed he is in a secret relationship and you know what that girl was you so so how could I leave you ha..

N- Arya listen you have misunderstood his friendship you know there may be someone waiting for you stop this madness Arya we are your friends listen we will forget this incident ever happened let me go and start a new life..

Ar- No no no you you have to die..you cannot live and if Manik couldn't be mine you too can't have him...



M- It has been hours dammit were is my wife..

He banged the table shouting at the police officers..

R-Manik you have to be calm...They are doing their work..

M-How can I be calm dad she is pregnant..She will be ok right...

Suddenly one constable came running..

Cons- Sir sir we found this rung and this CCTV footage..

Po- Sir can you please clarify that if it is your wife's ring...

There it was Nandini's engagement ring..

M- It is.....it is her ring...
Please find her she is pregnant please please find her...

Po- We are trying our best Sir...

I looked at my and Nandu's pic just few hours back we were so happy and now..

Please be fine baby...please be fine..





Words limit- 1400

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