22. Manik Malhotra's c*m perfume.

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"Welcome to celebrity t.v. . Today among us we have the most famous and popular music band of India FAB 5"

FAB5-(Waving) HI everyone...

Host- Hey everyone I must say you all are looking mind-blowing as always.. and thank you so much for attending this show . Secondly congratulations Ms. Malhotra for your upcoming engagement...

Mu- Thanks Riya... and ya you all are invited for my engagement and marriage dear..

Ri- That's so sweet of you.. OK so now let's start our interview what say guys...

Fab5- Ya of course..

Ri- OK so these questions are not prepared by us but by some of your fans. Actually they threw this question in the social media and we collected the most interesting one...
Ok so here as we can see the maximum questions are for our handsome lead singer Manik Malhotra... but this time our soon to be bride also has many questions....
OK so first question for all of you is are you releasing any album soon??

C- first of all thanks for the complement you said earlier actually the thing is when we don't look good we are born beautiful and the answer to your question is no dear as you all know my wife is pregnant , Secondly Mukti's weeding and all have busy schedules so we are not releasing any album this year. But we hope we will by the beginning of next year...

Ri- Oh it seems we fans have to wait.....
OK so next questions is does our lead singer has a girlfriend??

M- Umm no I am pretty much single and happy....

Ri- Oh that's good..
Than it seems I can ask the next question..
OK so next question is to you from one of your fan.. is I am

M Madly
A affectionately
N Nectareously
I illimitablely
K kind heartedly

In love with you so will you marry me?

M- oh dear I must say the proposal was sweet but as I have said before I am pretty happy being single and don't want any new person in my life. (In mind ) ever other than my love Nandini..

Ri- oh sorry to break your heart my dear but I think you heard Mr.Malhotra..
OK so next question how is to Mr.Murthy. firstly congratulations to be father and so now the question is how is your experience going on how are your feelings...

C- oh thank you and secondly I must say it is the third most best thing that happened in my life . First my food second my love Navya and third this my unborned child.. I my loving each and every moment of it only except the foods Navya is making me eat..

Ri- Aww OK so how about our fashionesta Alia Saxena what do you think about the thousands of proposal you are getting...

Al- I am sorry to break the hearts(looking dreamily at Manik) but I am off limit...

Ri- Really so who is this lucky boy?

D-(understanding the situation) Are leave it na you know I am very much sad no one is asking me anything..

Ri- oh you are such a sweet boy Dhruv. So sab kaise Chal rahe ha ?

D-(jokingly) ap ka toh pata nehi lekin hindustan me toh ab fogg Chal rahe hai..

Hearing this everyone laughed...

Ri- You are really funny Dhruv OK so one last question. Mukti there are romuors you are pregnant that's why you are marrying in such a hurry . Is it true??

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