6.Realized that unknown feelings...

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Manik in anger throw the vase and while doing this his hand got a deep cut but the emotional pain he was feeling was much more the physically pain .
Suddenly he heard a gasp and someone holding his hand.

S- Manik...

And Manik thought it to be Alia and jerked his hand away.

M-(angry tone) didn't I te....

But his features softened and he also stooped shouting when he saw it was the girl he started to feel something he couldn't describe.

And yes it was Nandini who flinched when he heard her shouting but still with a bit of courage she again held his hand and

N-(crying) Manik how did this happen 😳?

And that's when Manik realised that he got a deep cut ✂️ 😳 on his hand.

N-(crying and pulling Manik) Come fast we need to go the hospital 🏥

M-(with a emotionless face) No need .I am fine....

N-(still tears are falling down from her eye) but look at the wound Mani atleast let me call our parents and show them .Come with me please...

And that's when Manik became still on hearing her calling him Mani He went to complete frozen state.
He didn't hear what Nandini said after that.
Meanwhile, Nandini continued to wait for reply. But when she saw Manik not responding she again called him.

But MANIK was still in his lala land


But still when she didn't get any reply she started to move him

N-(pulling Manik she shouted) MANIK

And that's when Manik came out of his daze
M-(being confused)huh...

N-What huh.. come with me


N-To show your wound to Uncle and Aunty

And that's when Manik again went to his emotionless face

M-(with no emotions on his face) I said na no need to tell anybody about this.

N-But everyone will know about it when they will see 👀 your wound.

M-(while shouting) I said na no need.
( Murmuring) and waise bhi no one cares.

While Nandini flinched hearing his loud voice and When Manik saw this he felt guilty and realized that Nandini was just trying to help him and he is shouting at her for no reason 💔 and for the first time in his life he talked properly with Nandini...

M-(with a guilty face)I am sorry Nandini 😞 I didn't mean to yell at you actually I am now not in a correct state of my mind. I just don't want anyone to worry about my wound when the situation of our house is already like this..

N- But Man.....

M-It's OK it's not a big deal I can treat this on my own.

And Nandini helped him to go to his room.

M-Nandini can you please bring me the first Aid box .It is in the first drawer of my study table.
And Nandini brought him that.

N-(giving Manik the first aid box) here Manik and if you need any help please tell me.

While Manik giving a small smile to Nandini took the box from her .
And then started trying to treat his wound. But while doing so he was getting more injured and blood began to flow like water. Nandini eyes started to water up seeing this and so she quickly went out of the room and came back a wet cloth. And Manik was still trying to clean his injury when he saw Nandini held his hand and began to clean his wound with the wet cloth very gently.
It was when his eyes 👀 went towards her face and then her eyes it was first time he was observing her from this close. By seeing her eyes he was hypnotized he was mesmerized. Her beautiful eyes which now filled with tears 😢 from him .Seeing her crying from him and unknown feelings and protective ness started growing for Nandini inside Manik

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