49.Bucket list..

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Nandini smiled in her sleep as she kept dreaming of her and Manik she hugged the pillow tightly assuming it to be Manik....but her peaceful beautiful sleep was disturbed by some unwanted noise her eyebrow furrowed in irration she opened her eyes to see someone is knocking the window..

She went towards the window to open it and there he was Manik hanging with a pole with just one hand and holding a bag in the other hand...

Nandini hurriedly helped him to get him inside...

N-What are you doing here??

He smiled collecting his breath...and forward the box to Nandu...Nandini opened it to see a beautiful saree she looked up at Manik to see he to was looking very elegant and handsome wearing a traditional kurta....

N-(confused)What is all this Manik??

M-(Pulling her by waist)Today is our marriage.......

N-(excitedly)Yess finally the most awaited day has arrived....(confusion)But what are you doing here??

M-Nothing now you just go and change into this....

N- But why Manik??

M-No more questions just do as I say...


M-Please(showing puppy face)

N-(chuckling)OK baby now no need to show that face...

She went inside the closet taking the box...after about 20 mins he heard the door opening...he looked up from his phone and there she is..

She looked heavenly..

She looked like his..Manik's Nandini...

She was fixing her saree standing infront of the mirror while he was just seeing her without blinking...

N- Next what to do??

M-Huh??(in trance)

N-Now what??

M-(coming to senses)Oh..Ya come with me...

They walked to the lawn with Nandini continuously asking where they are going to see a open jeep parked there...

N- we are going in this??

M-Yes my love now come on...

They settled in the jeep only two of them enjoying the fullest the early morning weather..

N-Now will you tell me where we are going...

M-To fulfill your bucket list..

N-Manik Don't tell me we are..

M-Oh believe me my love we are...

And speed up his jeep in the empty morning roads...


He stopped the jeep the whole surrounding was beautiful full of various flowers trees it was looking like heaven..but Nandini's eyes stopped at the building there..

It was a church....

N-(wide eyes)Manik??

M- Whatever you are thinking is correct my love..

Manan ff Secret relationship of lifetime enemies Where stories live. Discover now