"Keep an eye on Dumbledore this year," Tom stated, his words emotionless and cold once more, loosing all sense of kindness that it had previously had with Draco which, while not much, was obvious when it was lost. "And anyone he talks to."

"Does this have to do with Malfoy's project?" Abraxas questioned, his voice light, soft, an attempt to ask but not anger, Tom knows, though it did not work very well as annoyance swiftly flooded through him, curving his fingers into fists as he turned to glare Abraxas down. Abraxas met his gaze fearlessly, unlike Draco, often lowering it moments later. Tom could not tell which he preferred, if he was honest with himself.

"I do not believe that is any of your concern." Tom stated icily. Abraxas' eyes finally dropped down. Tom felt satisfaction curve through his throat and into his mouth. While he may enjoy a bit of defiance in Draco-mostly so he can beat it down-he did not appreciate it in Abraxas. "Any other questions about what I am telling you to do? Or have you finally come to your senses again?" Tom questioned, turning his deft gaze to Orion next. Both shook their head hastily, not wishing to anger him further. It was dangerous, and they had to room with him the entire year. "Ah, come here," Tom called, noticing Draco at the door. Draco's gaze flitted to his grandfather, unnerved at the submission that he was showing Tom, though he supposed it was somewhat hypocritical for him to say. Still, he had rarely seen his grandfather submit to anyone, let alone some...halfblood wizard. It was unnerving, and Draco was not sure what to think of it.

"We should get going," Draco said cautiously, as Tom grabbed his left arm and yanked him to his side. He stood stiffly, but did not raise his eyes, nor did he try and escape Tom's grip. Tom felt his nails dig slightly into the other's side in pleasure at that. "elsewise we run the risk of...missing the train." Tom hummed softly, but dragged him forwards, Abraxas and Orion quickly standing to follow him.

They had all gathered in drawing room, where Draco's body unwillingly stiffened at the sight at the Malfoy Patriarch holding it...He felt his eyes flood over suddenly as fear convulsed through him. Tom, attuned as ever, was almost overcome with the images...Had he been a lesser wizard, he would have been entirely surprised. As it is, he merely adjusted his grip on Draco, and continued forwards as images flashed through Draco's mind, and therefore his own.


Draco yanked his hand back quickly, and just in time, as fangs scraped against metal, sparks slightly making themselves known as they dug into the artifact Draco had scarcely touched moments before. Draco's breath caught, shocked. "Touch nothing, Draco," The words were cold, and almost colder than Tom's own.

"Yes, father," The words were subservient, but with enough rebellion that Tom could sense the disapproval radianting through the burry figure before them.


A flash of fangs had Draco whirling around, his eyes widened slightly as he stared into a figure that was annoyingly blurry once more, though Tom could see long blond tresses this time as they seemed to fan over Draco. "What did I say?" The words were distant, and layered with a dangerous undertone.

"Touch nothing,"


"Sorry, father,"



Draco felt his body shoved to the side as he withheld a wince as fangs dug into his shoulder, pushing him out of the way as another figure loomed forwards.


Draco felt his arms come up instinctively as fangs dug into the flesh of his arm. "I should think you would have known better...Draco,"


"Hurry up, we need to speak." Draco tentatively let his fingers, shaking slilghtly, to curve around longer ones, curved around a snake head.


Tom wasted no time in sinking his canines once more into Draco's neck the moment that they were alone, barring Orion and Abraxas, in a compartment. Draco's eyes flew into clarity, pain coursing through his figure as he arched up trying to push Tom away from him, not that it did anything, Tom merely dug in deeper, feeling with satisfaction as Draco's precious blood over his teeth, feeling the shaking inaudable whines that made their way through the boy's body under him.

"You were out of it longer this time." Tom stated simply, pushing his body up, still leaning over Draco's legs, letting his tongue dance around blood stained teeth. Draco shuddered, fingers tentatively reaching to his neck, wincing as it touched his wound. Tom held out his hand, Abraxas hastily removing his own scarf to hand it to Tom, who gently tied it about Draco's neck. "They are getting worse, my dear," Tom stated gently, though absently, as his fingers traced the outlines of his face. Draco stared up at Tom in...worry...anxiety...fear?...Tom was not sure but he could not deny his enjoyment of seeing tears gather in and drip from Draco's eyes.

"May I be released?" Draco questioned, his voice trembling slightly, vastly uncomfortable with Tom sitting on top of him. Tom huffed an amused laugh, but stood, yanking Draco up once he was standing and shoving him into the bench.

"Perhaps, we should avoid your...doing such things in public, Tom," Abraxas tentatively broke out, but Tom cut a dark glare towards him, having the Malfoy backing down once more.

"I do not believe that is your...choice, is it? If you manage to come up with a better solution, feel free to inform me, but so far this is the only thing that works..." Tom did not have to continue. Abraxas had his fingers curved into his palms, a dark look echoing on his face. Orion was watching the two anxiously. Draco did not seem to notice, merely slumped against Tom, his head turned into the other's neck. 

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