Chapter Twenty One: Venomous

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 "Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question. Let's go!" Finstock called, causing half the class to raise their hands.

"How the hell do you know about that?" I turned back to Jackson once Finstock began writing an equation on the board.

"Blondie took me to Derek's lair last night. Decided to paralyze me with Kanima—whatever the hell it is—venom. Paralyzed from the neck down! Do you have any idea of what that feels like?"

"I'm familiar with the sensation." Stiles imputed at the same time I said 'sorta'. 

"Why would Derek test you? Why would he think its you?" Scott wondered.

"Because he's the genius that took the bite and didn't turn." I shook my head.

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" Stiles realized.

"Lydia?" I realized nervously. Lydia...someone who was also bit and didn't turn. 

"I don't know! All I heard was her name and something about chemistry." Jackson explained.

"Jackson!" Finstocks voice bellowed in front of us. "Do you have something you with the class? What about you McCall?" Finstock looked at me. I quietly shook my head.

"Just an undying admiration for my, my coach!" Jackson stuttered.

"That's really kind of you." Finstock smiled. "Now shut up! Shut up!" He yelled, finally walking away. Scott pulled Stiles sleeve and the two began whispering to to each other, fighting whether or not Lydia could be the Kanima.

"She isn't the Kanima, okay?" I yelled in a hushed whisper.

"How do you know for sure?"

"She's just going through PTSD. That doesn't mean she's some psycho lizard killing people."

"Are you sure about that?" Scott asked, his eyes darting from me to the front of the class room. I followed my brothers gaze, finding Lydia standing at the front whimpering and writing on the chalkboard in a different language. 

"Lydia? Lydia." Finstock called. The crying red head turned around, her eyes shut to hide the tears flowing down her face. "Lydia." Finstock called louder, clapping his hands together. With a gasp, Lydia's eyes flicked open. She looked around, almost as if she was confused where she was. A defending silence blanketed over the room as everyone looked back and forth between the gibberish written on the board and a teary eyed Lydia. 

"Okay then...does anybody else want to try? This time in English?" Finstock finally spoke up. The class erupted in laughs, causing Lydia's cheeks to burn a bright red. She whipped around, looking at the answer she scripted on the board.

"What is that, Greek?" Scott asked.

"Latin maybe?" I questioned, my head cocking trying to figure out what "EM PLEH ENOEMOS' meant. It was written all over the board in all various sizes. 

"Actually, I think it is English." Stiles realized, showing us his phone. My brother and I leaned over, watching Stiles flip around a picture he took of the writing on the board. 

Someone help me. 


"Lydia may be going crazy, but she's not the Kanima!" I argued as Scott, Stiles, and I walked in to Chemistry.

"Whether she is or not, Derek's not going to kill her." Scott stated.

"Okay well he is going to test her. Question is, just where and when." Stiles thought.

"I think here and now." Scott realized in a gasp. Lydia sat alone at a desk with Isaac and Erica sauntering towards her.

"They wouldn't dare." I gasped. Scott sprinted forward, claiming the empty seat besides Lydia before the Beta's could. Stiles pulled up a seat beside the confused red head, leaving me to find an empty chair. Isaac, taking a seat behind Lydia's desk, smirked at me while patting his hand on an empty seat beside him. I frowned, rolling my eyes as I took a seat next to the egotistical wolf.

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