❤️Every breath you take-Rinny❤️

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(This is mainly gonna be in Robins POV but we startin off with Third)

~third POV~
Robin has loved finn for so long
But, tonight? At there senior prom, when Robin was picking him up from his house.
Robin lost his breath looking at finn.
He was wearing a suit with like sparkly embroidery all along the sides that brought out the rest of his outfit, with his hair done with his curls extra perked up.
Robin couldn't move as he watched finn walk out into the living room where he was standing
"So, you like it?" Finn says
Robin brings a hand to his face as he wipes his eyes off
"Yea- yea I love it" he says as Gwen squeals and hugs her brother
"I'm so proud of you Finny!"
Finn laughs and hugs her
"Thanks Gwen"
Once Gwen let's go finn walks to a red eyed Robin and intertwines there hands
Robin nods and wipes off his face again before opening the door
"Yep let's go"
Finn waves bye one last time before Robin shuts the door.
"Didn't expect you to cry but that was sweet" finn says with a chuckle in his voice

~Robins POV~
"Ok I wasn't crying" I say
I totally Fucking was.
"Sure" finn says
As we walk up to my car I jog over to the passenger side and open Finn's door.
"Oh such a gentleman" the boy says laughing
I roll my eyes
He's so cute.
Once he's in,I close the door and get into the drivers side.
"I love your car Rob"
I smile proudly
"Worked hard for it"
I look back at finn and smile
He looks at me too and laughs
"What?" He says
"Your just so handsome tonight"
He chuckles again as he pushes my hand
"Come on, we're gonna be late if you keep day dreaming"
I roll my eyes as he says this and turn back to the road.
I put my car in gear then drive out of his drive way.
I've shown myself how to drive a manual since I like how they sound and honestly I'm not doing to bad for just getting this car.

The whole drive we talked and laughed.
We got to the dance and the first thing I did was grab my cash then ran out to open his door again, my mom told me to open doors for there dates and stuff so I can't let her down on that one.
I open Finn's door and he smiles up at me again
"Thanks Rob" he says
I smile and he gets out.
"Oh I also have something for you, close your eyes"
He chuckles again and covers his eyes with his hands.
I open the back door and pull out a small bouquet of roses, his favorite.
"Alright you can look"
He takes his hands off then covers his mouth
"Oh Robin your too sweet" he says grabbing them then hugging me tightly.
Once he lets go I put my hand out
He nods and grabs my hand then we start to walk inside.
Once we're inside, he looks around
"I'm gonna go find Bruce ok? I promise I'll be back" he says before kissing my cheek and walking off, his slightly heeled shoes clicking.
I smile as I watch him
How did I get that damn lucky?

Im knocked out of my trance my a hard slap on my shoulder
I look back and it's vance
"Dude you don't look homeless for once" I say laughing
He stares at me and crosses his arms
"I'm wearing a suit for Bruce ok? He said he wouldn't let his parents see me if I didn't"
I start to laugh even harder as he scoffs
"Shut up Robin" he says shoving me which I fall onto the ground
I hear the soft clicking of shoes and when I look up Finn is standing over me
"Hey finn" I say
"Having fun?"
I stand up and see Bruce talking to Vance
"Hey Bruce"
He turns around
"Why's vance wearing a suit?"
Bruce smiles and grabs Vance's hand
"He just looks nice, doesn't he?"
Vance is staring daggers into me as I grin
"Oh how sweet"
When Bruce turns back to Vance, he turns from glaring to a softer gaze.
"Come on bruce" vance says pulling Bruce away
I roll my eyes as I hear Bruce laugh
I turn back to finn and grab his hands
"Finn, do you wanna dance?"
He smiles and nods
The dance has been playing soft songs since we got here so there pretty perfect to slow dance to.

I bring finn to an empty room where the music is still heard and place my hands on his waist while his hands are on my shoulders.
He leans closer to me and rests his head on my shoulder as we slowly move to the song.
"it's been a long 4 years" he mumbles
"Sure has been"
He keeps his head rested on my shoulder.
I start to hum to the song as rock us slightly more.
I hear Finn's soft humming in my ear as the music continues to play.

As we're slowly dancing, we hear one of Finn's favorite songs start to play, state lines (imagine it came out back then)
Finn lifts his head up as I smile at him and he does the same
"I know you like this one"
He nods as we lean closer to each other
The air around us feels warm, like when your comfortable in bed.
I gently place my hand on the back of his soft curls and we close the space between us and connect our lips.
The air seems to stay that same,cozy feeling as we continue to sway to the song as our lips stay connected, very lightly.
Finn pulls away and opens his brown eyes and makes eye contact with me.
"Thank you for bringing me tonight"
I smile and nod
"Why wouldn't I.?"
He shrugs
"I just- you sure you like me?"
I lift my hand to his chin which is falling since he's looking down at his feet and tilt his head up so our eyes meet again.
"Finn, of course I like you, I would do anything for you" I say as his smile rises again
He connects our lips once again but then the door opens and both our head whip over.

"Hey is anybody-"
I roll my eyes as I realize it's one of Finn's friends
"Oh- I'm sorry" he says closing the door
Me and Finn meet eyes again then we start laughing
"That kinda ruined the mood" I say as Finn nods
"Yea but Our dance was very nice" he says caressing my cheek
I smile as he drops his hand
"Now let's go dance with the others" he says before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the dark but now warm room.

Finn drags me around till we can't find Bruce and Vance
"There probably making out around here somewhere"
I chuckle as finn says this
"Probably, let's go bother them"
He nods and we start to wander around the school while peeking inside dark rooms.

"Rob- Robin come here" finn says looking into a door
I walk over to him as he open it and we hear taking
He lifts a hand up to his mouth and I nod
He slowly walks in and looks around before seeing two moving figures where the voices are coming from.
I know Vance's voice but I can't tell if the other is Bruce.
Finn grabs a pencil and throws it at vance then covers his mouth before he laughs
"Oh come on- who the hells in here" vance says standing up and staring straight at us
"You assholes!-"
"Vance sit your ass back down"
Yep. That's Bruce
Vance's mouth falls open as he points to us angry and groans as he's pulled back down
"Go ok guys, I'll find you later" I hear Bruce's voice say
"Fine" finn says as he starts to walk out
As I'm walking after him, I hear the talking turn to making out and I shove finn out the door and close it.
"Alright let's go dance till they come out"

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