🔥Thats hot-Rinny🔥

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(Warning horny 16 year olds + slightly aged up kids)

Ps- don't like don't read Ty much love 🫶

~Robins POV~
Me and Finn have been getting really close lately and even though I've been being touchy, he's just full blown horny.
Once when I made a sex joke he said "if only us"
Like we've been dating for a little while but never done anything like that.
I've always wanted to and I'm guessing he has too, well I guess I can make a small move today and see if he responds to it.

I'm walking to school with him when I throw in flirts as I'm talking
He notices a few times because I make him look at me
He blushes each time and looks away
He seems like he wouldn't look away when he talks so confidently about it but when I do he gets super nervous
"Finn?" I say stopping
"What?" He says
I grab his hand and pull him towards me
"You know, I think you look great today" I say looking around before lightly grabbing his hips
He blushes and looks around as well before letting me go
"Thanks Robin" he says
"Just a thanks? I see that" I say pointing downwards
He looks and covers his obvious hard on.
"You see nothing alright? Just ignore it" he says starting to walk again
"Come on finn, you always say you like when I compliment you" I say running my hand up his back and holding onto his neck
I feel him jolt
"Robin- no it's school we can't do anything" he says looking at me
"Then you just have to be quiet" I say grinning
He stops for a second
"We've never done anything like this either.. just talking about it" he whispers
"Then let's do it but you just stay quiet" I say grinning again
He groans looking down then around
"Fine, this once then only at your house" he says
"Thanks Finny" I say running my finger across his small jawline
He pushes my hand off and starts to walk again
I follow him and as we reach the school I walk off to Vance and see finn give me a begging look
I mouth 'you can wait' before smiling and turning back to vance
"Hey Vance" I say as he look up
"Oh hey" he says
"The hell happened to you?" I say pointing to his arm
"Oh kid brought a shiv to a fight" he says shrugging
"Damn" I say
"Yea, it's stuck in his arm" he says calmly before looking down again
"You- makes since but what are you doing?"
"Cigarette, too much wind" he says lifting a lighter up
"Dude that's gross" I say
He shrugs
"It's fun" he says
I roll my eyes as I hear the bell
"Alright I gotta go- don't die" I say before walking off
"Planning on it" I hear him say
I walk to my first class which is English and Finn's in it actually
He pulls me into the back of the class and looks at me angrily
"So when?! This is getting annoying" he says
"Your still?- that's impressive and soon don't worry" I say patting his cheek before walking to my seat
I sit in the middle but finn sits dead center front because he likes too see what's going on
Bet he regrets that now
The teacher starts to talk and the whole class finn can't lay attention and I can tell because he keeps looking around
When he's focused he doesn't move all class and stares at the bored
Only moving his arm to ask something
By the end of class he gets up and grabs my arm
He drags me to the bathroom and looks in all of the stalls before looking at me
"You said soon and so now is soon" he says going to the door and locking it
"Wow needy much-" I say as he grabs my hand again and pulls me into one of the stalls
He threw his bag on the floor before so I set mine down
"So what did you want" I say smiling as he glares
"You know what"
"No I actually don't finn you have to tell me" I say
He leans back then shoves me down onto one of my knees
"Cut the shit Robin and just do it" he says
"Taking some annotative Hm?" I say as he glares again before unzipping his pants
"Do the rest, this is starting to hurt" he says coving his face
I roll my eyes as I pull him out of his boxers
I've done this once before surprisingly but finn hasn't and it's funny to watch him
He looks at me as I slowly start to move my hand
"Robin I swear-" he says
"Hey you said I could do anything" I say as I speed up and he covers his mouth
"Mm see" I say
I lean my head over as I meet his eyes and lick up it
I hear him lightly gasp as I smile
"I haven't even done anything yet" I say then run my tongue down it again
He covers his mouth and leans his head back as I take it into my mouth
As I lightly suck on the tip I taste the slight bit of pre-cum.
I take more of it into my mouth and steady my hands on his thighs
I feel them lightly shaking as I push my head farther down
He slaps his hand down onto my head and grips my hair
"R..Robin come on" he whispers
I roll my eyes again and flatten my tongue and feel him shove my head down
I gag as a response and slap his thigh which makes it shake more
I have our gazes meet and start to suck
His eyes go from heaven to rolling back slightly
I can hear his rough breathes through his hand and his legs shake
I feel my heartbeat get faster and my breath get shallower as I start ti go faster
I suck my cheeks in as I continue
He lets out a small moan and takes the hand off my head to cover his mouth again
I keep going at my face pass and his hips buck
I use my hand and push them back
He lets out a groan as I take it out of my mouth and run small kisses down the side
"You liking it so far?" I say with a horse voice
He nods as I wrap the hand that's not holding his hips down around it and start to stroke it before going straight back to what I was doing
He lets out another muffled moan as his hips buck again and push against my hand
I keep up with a fast pace and push it farther back as he returns his hand back to my hair
He whines,tugs at my hair and bucks his hips constantly as I do this
He bucks his hips one last time before groaning again and I feel a warm liquid fall into my mouth
I let go with a pop as a small bit gets on my cheek
I wipe my face off and he looks down at me with watery eyes
"For being a guy and having the dick your totally took that like a girl" I say before he glares at me
"Shut up" he says as he covers his face
"It felt really good though" he mumbles
"I know I could tell" I say as I sit up more and look at his hips
"Hey look your pushing and my hands left hand marks" I say as I touch over them again
"I love your damn skin" I say as I run my hand over it again and peck at his hips with my teeth
"Robin- quit we have to get to our next class" he says as I start to lightly suck on his thighs
I let off "you still wanna go?" I say
And he nods
"Alright alright I say standing up
He pushes himself back into his hands and zips his jeans up
"Thanks though Robin" he says
"Mhm" I say turning around and pecking his cheek
"Next time though, I wanna hear you" I say winking as I grab my stuff then walk out
I unlock the bathroom door and start to walk to my second class
I feel my face again and look in the glass of the doors and see my lips are just red
"Eh I'll be fine" I say continuing to walk

(1446 words🤭)

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