🔥Rinny - in the locker room🔥

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~3rd POV~
It's the middle of Finn's end of the season game and they are winning at the moment but if Finn can't hit this last ball being thrown to him it's all lost.
Finn holds his bat tightly as his breath heaves from anxiety.
He looks over and sees Robin cheering for him as well as his sister, Gwen.
Finn takes a deep breath and looks forward again as he hears the cheers for him to hit the ball and cheering for his Jersey number.
He lifts up his bat and gets into position.
He stands still and sees as the pitcher lifts up their hand and... throws a hard throw.
Finn try's to keep his eyes open and swings as hard as he could.
He felt it, he hit it!
He threw his bat down and ran from first,second and third but he kept running as hard as he could and slid for home.
A person touched his shoulder but he looked down at his foot and it was touching. Finn looked up at the guy and smirked before the ref called him safe, he got up and his team ran out to congratulate him as they cheered his name.
Robin and Gwen both ran out too and hugged him once the team had calmed down.

Robin hugged Finn as tight as he could.
"Holy fuck I was so nervous as you were running for home" Robin said shaking Finn
Finn laughed "thank you" he says and pulls Robin back in for another hug.
"Here's follow me" finn says pulling Robin to the locker rooms.
Robin is being dragged into the room and is confused as to why Finn's dragging him to the locker rooms.
"Why are we going into the locker room Finn?"
"Just wait I need to show you something" Finn says smiling a sneaky smile.
"Just follow me" Finn says

Finn looked into the locker room then pulled Robin in and locked the door behind them.
Finn pushes Robin against the wall and starts to roughly make out with him.
Robin was surprised by this, then gripped onto Finn's shoulders and on his Jersey.
"F..Finn!" Robin mumbles against Finn's lips
"Hm?" Finn says breaking the kiss and smirking at Robin
Robin pulled Finn back in by his hair, Finn grabbed robins hands "ay what are you doing?"
Robin blushed lightly
"Uh nothing?" Robin says as Finn rolls his eyes while smiling and pulled him back in for another rough kiss.

Robin gripped back onto Finn's shirt as Finn's hands roamed down to robins waist.
He kept kissing him,then reached up for robins hair and pulled some of his long black locks.
Robin whined as Finn pulled his hair and immediately broke the kiss and covered his mouth. "I still like doing that" Finn said smiling
"Finn I said you can do that in PRIVATE we are in the locker room!" Robin whisper yells
Finn steps back and looks around "we look alone" he says
Robin rolls his eyes as finn goes back over to him "well if your so nervous you can go look around" finn says as he puts a hand on robins shoulder
"Because it's just us in here"

Robin pushes finn lightly and starts to wander around looking through all the lockers to make sure nobody is inside the small building.
He looked around and saw nobody the entire time.
"See? All alone,just us" finn says coming up behind Robin
"Yea yea shut up"
Finn chuckles as Robin looks at his watch
"Alright I've got an hour before I have to start heading home"
Finn nods and pushes Robin on to one of the walls behind him and locks hos hand above his head.
"Now since you have nothing to worry about can we continue?" Finn says
Robin nods and tilts his head the other way as finn starts to make his way down robins neck.
Finn slowly bites down robins neck and hears robins breath hitch.
"Ay not right there finn" Robin mumbles out
Finn rolls his eyes and bites down on robins collarbone making him let a small whimper out and Robin pushes finn.
"Alright alright that's enough" Robin says blushing
"Oh come on" finn says slightly laughing
Robin shakes his head "nope nope we can do that some other time, you doing whatever you were here feels wayyy to public"
Finn sighs "no it's fine" finn smiles and walks over to Robin and kisses his forehead
"Justttt lemme know when you want too"
Finn says winking as he starts to walk to the door
"Oh shut up finn" Robin says

Finn walks out and Robin hears Gwen ask him what he was doing and he just says grabbing his stuff.
Robin runs to the mirror and fixes his bandanna and pulls his shirt up since he saw a small bite mark left on his neck.
Robin then walks out and walks back up to finn who's talking to Gwen still.
"Oh hey Robin!" Gwen says
"Hey sorry I left for a little bit, my dad came up to the road and needed to talk to me" Robin says shrugging
Gwen stops and crosses her arms
"I'm not that's stupid you know" she says
"Uh what?" Robin says awkwardly smiling
She points to his shirt "you never pull your shirts up to cover your chest and you 'disappear with my brother' for like 20 minutes and expect me not to know?"
Robin smacks himself in the face mentally and looks at finn who's also awkwardly smiling
"Nope you've got to get home" Gwen says pointing towards the road and the sidewalk.
Robin groans "really?"
"Yes really." She says as she puts her arm back down onto her side
Finn waves bye to Robin as he walks past him and Robin shoves finn from his side.
"Really Robin" finn says laughing
Robin turns around and points to his neck "yea really you asshat" he says before he flips him off.
Which was a bad idea because finn starts to chase after him.
Robin mumbled oh shit and started to run as well.
"Ay I was joking!" Robin yelled as finn got closer and closer to him before tackling him to the ground.
Finn pinned robins hands above his head again as they heard Gwen yell for finn to hurry up.
"Say sorry"
"I don't say sorry finn you know that" Robin says as he pulls his hands free and crosses them.
Finn looks around and sees that nobody is around and puts his knee in between robins legs
"Ok I'll ask again, are you sorry?"
Robin won't hurt finn so he had no choice but to say sorry or he would have shoved finn off of him.
"I'm sorry. Happy now?" Robin says
"Very" finn says as he hops up
He extends his hand out to help Robin up but Robin pushes his hand out of the way and gets up on his own.
Finn grabs robins hair as he stands up and pushes him back down making Robin whine once again.
"Ok I want to help let me help you." Finn says
"Why you being so pushy? Jeez" Robin says as he grabs Finn's hand and is pulled up by him

Finn swings his arms around Robin and gives him a small peck on the cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow" he says smiling then running back to Gwen.
Robin sighs with a smile and starts to walk to the side walk

Even though Robin acts like he hates it, he likes when finn does nice things for him even if it's small like helping him up from the ground.

Brance/Rinny one shots  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora