🔥Consert-Rinny 🔥

539 7 0

(Modern day)

~Third POV~
Robin and Finn are just checking into Finn's first concert which is Metallica since Robin convinced him too.
They just walked in and since they are both 18 or 19, they got drinks.
Robin got whisky while Finn just got a mixed drink.
They found a nice spot,put there stuff down and waited.
They had gotten field tickets and we're super excited.
When the concert officially started Robin kept bothering finn about All of the members even though robins told him a million times.
"Robin I know" finn says smiling at Robin while the band plays
Robin rolls his eyes and pulls finn to him by his hips.
"Finn?" He says
"Hm?" Finn says
Robin smiles
"Thanks for letting me bring you here" Robin says before pecking Finn's lips.
Robin goes from a general kiss to making out with Finn.
They're still listening to the loud band playing while Robin picks finn up by his hips.
Finn wraps his legs around robins waist then wraps his arms around his neck
Robin breaks the kiss
"Ok we can come back after a song- just follow me" Robin says while setting finn down and starting to pull him with him.
Finn shakes his head as he feels the alcohol starting to hit.
Robin drags finn behind a tent and pulls him back immediately
"Robin- we can't here" finn says
"Finn nobody's going to look don't worry"  Robin says into Finn's ear
Finn covers his eyes as Robin attaches himself to Finn's neck
"R..Robin" finn mumbles out but Robin doesn't hear.
Robin just sucks harder on the pale boys neck.
Finn grips onto robins shoulders and let's put a small moan
Robin bites down and accidentally draws blood
Robin stops "fuck" he mumbles
"What?" Finn says looking at him
"I might of made you bleed but it's not bad" he says smiling
Finn sighs
"Just keep going" he says grinning
Robin smiles again and goes back to kissing finn.
Robin picks finn up again and breaks the kiss
Robin slides his hand up the boys shirt while he's held by robins free hand.
"I love your hips finn" Robin coos into the boys ear
Finn feels his face turn red as Robin goes back to attacking his neck.

The boys continue to get more frisky as time goes until they hear a voice
"Is there anybody back here?"
Robin breaks the Make-out session the two were having
Robin covers Finn's panting mouth and looks over.
He sees it's a cop then finn whines
"Finn don't make a sound" Robin whispers into Finn's ear
"I know the band is playing but come out now if someone is back there"
Finn looks at Robin but Robin shakes his head no
Eventually the cop walks away and Robin drops his hand from Finn's mouth
"Good boy" Robin coos into Finn's neck
By this point Robin has put Finn down and has his knee pushes into the middle of his thighs.
Robin pushes his knee higher as he attacks Finn's neck.
"R..Robin!" Finn gasps into robins shirt
Robin grins as he listens
It's hard to hear the two but it's possible if you really listen.
Robin went from Finn's neck down to his shirts hem line
"Take this off for me Hm?" Robin says
Finn nods as he shakingly takes it off
"Good boy" Robin coos once again
Finn whines as the cool air hits his chest.
Robin attacks Finn's chest before looking up at him
"Hmm how about we get back to Metallica?" He says
Finn glares down at Robin
"You bitch-"
Before finn can finish Robin places him down and slides his shirt back on
"Now come on" he says grinning
Finn groans and follows
Once the two are almost back to where they were, Robin grabs Finn's hand and pulls them closer to the stage
Robin smiles at Finn as he sticks there hands up and let's go of Finn
Finn smiles as he watches Robin watch in awe
Finn looks up at the stage and his face lights up as the guitarist looks down at them and smiles
"Robin!" Finn yells
"What?" Robin yells
"What's his name again?" Finn asks
"Robert!" Robin yells
Finn looks back and watches as they play

Once the concert ends the band throws out some merch and Robin caught a hoodie while Finn a Pick some how.

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