❤️ PM - rinny❤️

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~Robin's POV~

It's around 10pm right now, me and Finny are laying on my bed.
I'm reading a book with a small light on top of it and Finn is asleep on top of my lap.
I'm slowly reading and flipping through pages when I feel finn move.
I look down and see him curled up more into my shirt, I smile and put my book down.
I put my hand on his head and slowly stroke his head.
I start to hum a song and I'm pretty sure it's one that finn likes because I see him smile.
I push myself off the headboard and move finn next to me, then I lay next to him.
I continue humming the song while stroking his hair
I move my hand onto his cheek and stroke it as well. watching his face go from a straight face to a small smile once again I smile and kiss his cheek.

I grab the blanket and pull it over us since Finn was just warm earlier because of my body heat but I'm getting cold and I don't want to wake him up.
Oddly enough Finn is really rude if you wake him up before he wants to be awake, like if he wakes up on his own he's fine or if he's woken up by an alarm he set but oh if I wake him up I'm dead.
I feel him start to move around and I close my eyes to act asleep.
I hear him mumble something and open my eyes "what was that..?" I ask kind of nervous
I see him smile and he looks pretty groggy but I smile back.
"Your really fuckin warm" finn says as he face-plants back into my chest, I let out a groan and put a hand on his head "finn ow first off and thank you"
He pushes himself back up "that didn't hurt and you know it" he says laying down less rough this time.
I roll my eyes and push him off and grin as he looks at me with a scowl.
"What? Your ok" I say grinning
Finn rolls his eyes and turns away from me
"Wait I didn't mean don't lay over here" I say as I pull him close to me again.
"Ay let me go" I hear finn say
I shake my head and turn his body around and kiss his forehead.
"I'm sorry love" I say looking him in the eye
He sighs then smiles at me.
"Fine but be nicer" finn says as he pushes his face into my neck
I put my arms around his slim body and run my hands up and down his back.
He once again sits up and I look at him confused
"What's wrong?" I ask
He doesn't answer me but takes off his shirt.
I blush "Finn what the hell are you doing"
"Oh my lord just shush" he says as he lays back down on me once again
I hesitate to wrap my arms around him but he looks at me and nods. I'm guessing he's ok with it then.
I wrap my arms around him and slowly start to run my hands up and down his back again.
I hear him let out a sigh and his breathing slow
He mumbles something but I ignore it and feel my eyes grow heavy.
I slowly drift off to sleep while finn I guess fell asleep too.

~Finn's POV~
I woke up at around 2Am hearing a loud thunderstorm.
I look over at Robin who's passed out with his hair messy and falling all over his face with his bandanna on the pillow.
I scoot over more to him and shake him lightly.
"Robin.. Robin wake up" I whisper
He doesn't wake up and I groan, I hate storms. With a giant passion because they remind me of a day that I never would like to recall.
"Robin please.." I plead and I see his eyes slowly flutter open and look at me.
"What's wrong love..?" He asks rolling over to me
I feel a tear prick my eye and wipe it away, Robin sees this and pulls me in close.
"Don't cry love, you'll be ok" he says in a sweet voice
"I'm fine I just hate storms" I say sighing
He shakes his head "that's not just fine your sad" he says making me look him in the eye
"And I want to make sure your happy" he says smiling
I smile as well, what did I do to deserve somebody who cares for me as much as Robin does.
"Finn?" I hear him say "Hm? Sorry" I say
Robin smiles again "your fine, but I want you to get sleep ok? We do have school tomorrow"
Wait, school? Fuck I forgot it's Sunday
"Damn it" I say as I burrow my head into robins neck and I feel him quietly laugh
"Just get sleep because I'll be here the whole night to make sure your alright, ok?" He says and I nod. Robin starts to hum a song again.
I can't remember the name but I love how he hums it, it makes it sound nice.
Slowly while he continues to hum I feel him sway his arms that were around my body at this point.
I slowly drift off to sleep by the sound of Robin humming and no longer the storm.

~That morning~
~third person~

That morning finn woke up with his and robins arms tangled together from last night.
Finn thought that he would have woken up by the storm once Robin stopped humming and fell asleep but it turns out Robin didn't sleep the rest of the night.
He just sat up while humming to Finn the same song over and over again.
The only reason Finn knew of it, was from the giant eye bags under robins eyes, plus Robin almost fell asleep 4 times on the walk to school which finn didn't even know how that was possible since they were walking but he managed to do it.
Finn had to hold onto Robin most of the walk to school until they got there.
Once they had arrived finn left Robin so he could go to his first period.
Robin was still groggy but sat at the entrance to the school for a little while before class was going to start, but turns out a few kids were watching him most of that time and had tried to jump him from behind.
That needed badly for the boys since Robin did know they were there but chose not to care.

He got in trouble but didn't really care.
He felt that staying up for Finn was worth being tired and getting into a fight.

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