Chapter 1: Everything

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Izuku Midoriya was swinging around a city using Black Whip. Today he has stopped a couple thugs, a couple attempted robberies, and a attempted kidnapping. Once they figured out who he was they surrendered. A little over a year ago Izuku had defeated Shigaraki and All for one. So many heroes died or retired. He still occasionally has nightmares about it all. Not being fast to save someone. Not getting there in time to stop Bakugou from being injured and Edgeshot having to sacrifice his life to become Bakugou's new heart, Miruko getting her limbs ripped off except a single leg, Endeavor dying because of Dabi, Hawks losing his quirk, Uraraka getting a massive scar on her face, and so much more. About half way through his second year the reformed safety commission leaded by Hawks and Lady Nagant gave him a full time hero License so he could help around and not get in trouble. They told him he would be paid but he couldn't be entered into the hero ranks until his third year. He didn't need the money though. When All Might died he left Izuku everything. His agency, his money, his properties, and the royalties he got from All Might's merch.

He never wanted it but he didn't have a choice. He invested about 95% about of the money so it could grow but he still had needless to say a shit ton of money. Apparently being Number One for 30 years paid very well. The money he had left over he used to make sure his mom would be fine. He bought them a 4 bedroom house, paid for her to go to Nursing School which she had put off because it was so expensive. He also pays for a babysitter to watch over Eri since he adopted her a couple months ago. Mirio was debating on it when he graduated but he wanted to be a full time hero for a good while before adopting Eri which she understood but she actually preferred the green harried hero Deku. During his second year he helped Eri train her quirk and during that she had started to have nightmares again of Overhaul. He let her sleep with him and he took care of her. After a couple she asked if she could call him her dad and he agreed.

Now back to the present Izuku got a phone call from his 3rd year homeroom teacher Snipe, "Izuku Midoriya where are you. Its the 8th day of school and I have seen you a total of three times." Izuku quickly landing on a building, "Sorry Snipe. Figured I would get some hero time in before school. Didn't know what time it was." Said teacher sighed, "I know. Look Izuku I understand why you are doing this. You are doing a lot more than most heroes even now. But remember the deal you made with Nedzu and reformed safety commission was that at minimum you had to spend at least 20 hours a week at school." He then connected his phone to his new mask that covers his ear with a built in headset and he started swinging his way back to U.A., "I am on my way shouldn't be 10 minutes. But I also got to change so make it 20 minutes." He heard Snipe mumble something, "Look just get here."

Once he got to U.A. he quickly changed and made it back into class, "Sorry guys I am here." He quickly sat down. Everyone was staring at him. Snipe had stepped out for a bit. Momo looked over at Izuku, "About time you got here. Izuku you are overworking yourself. You need to calm down." He shook his head, "To much to fix. Society has gotten better but it still isn't even close to being at the very least decent." Momo sighed, "You literally worked all summer. You were on the new every other day at least. I think its time you take a break." He shrugged his shoulders, "Got to do what I got to do." Snipe then came back in and saw Izuku was here, "Bout time our future number one hero came to school." Bakugou got up from his seat, "BULLSHIT! I AM GONNA BE NUMBER ONE!" That had got a chuckle from around the class and Snipe said, "Well no offense Bakugou but you are gonna have a lot to catch up once you graduate." He pointed at Midoriya, "Our school's first full time hero student has been rising in ranks since the beginning of summer. The commission allowed him to join the official hero ranking early since it was summer. And in 3 months he is at a spot in the hero rankings the old big three still have not reach yet. We may have the future Number 1 hero in our class as we speak."

This peaked Izuku's curiosity, "Sir how did you get my ranking. I don't even know that." Snipe help up a piece of paper, "Because of your deal Nedzu can see in real time your rank. How many crimes you stop, people you save, yata yata yata you get the point. He gave me this earlier so you can see where you rank." Izuku looked at it, "N-number 489! That is insanely high for me only doing this for three months." His class mates had a look of shock and Snipe continued, "Yes sir. Most pros take at least a year and a half to two years to break into the thousands. But Midoriya here is setting records. Hell Hawks wasn't even this fast." Midoriya still had a look of surprise, "B-but why am I so high up? I just stopped some basic crimes over the summer besides about 20 massive operations I did with other hero's. So why am I so high?" Snipe went up to the board, "Good turning point actually." He writes on the board in big letters, "POPULARITY" , "This is why you have grown so high in a short time Midoriya. You are a fan favorite. Civilians have waited for you to pop into the ranks and when they did you started out at a higher point then every single hero. Not to mention how you are during interviews. You stutter, blush, you get nervous, and you take time to think." He pulls up a image of Midoriya getting interviewed after a bank robbery he stopped single handily, "People don't see you as a god but as a person. They find that relatable. Not to mention you make regular donations to food drives, charities, public hospitals, and so much more."

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