Chapter 53: You're in the Sniper's Sights

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"I'll back you up sir!" TJ appeared on Vedmak's side and rushed towards Yaba while in a boxing stance and his boxing gloves on.

TJ launched a right hook at Yaba, but the witch dodged it and summoned a wall of force to block all of TJ's punches before sending the wall back towards the tree. Caroline created a powerful gust of wind, pulling TJ out from behind the wall of force and letting the wall of force collide with the tree. A cloud of dust to envelop the area, and Saorise used that dust as cover. Saorise used this cover to summon yet ANOTHER M249 in her arms, and the selkie girl began firing both guns simultaneously as Jack landed right beside her. Jack sent Angelus back to his dorm and replaced it with Bonnie and Clyde. Both Jack and Saorise fired at the witch, but neither of their bullets reached her because Yaba summoned another wall of force. Vedmak tried stabbing the witch from behind, only for Yaba to teleport behind him and deliver a powerful slash to Vedmak's back using the divine weapon.

"GYAH!" Vedmak screamed, and Jack tossed both Bonnie and Clyde into the air, opening his hands to use Switch. By snapping both his fingers, Jack made a blade of grass in front of him and Vedmak switches places just before Yaba could pierce his armor with the sword. "Damnit, her sword can cut through Artifact Armor!"

"Sir, my idea to deactivate the barrier is still on the table." Simo suggested to the man.

"Why are you so insistent on the barrier falling?" Jack asked as he watched Caroline summon a bolt of lightning to strike Yaba from above, only for the strike to be deflected using Yaba's newly acquired sword.

"Because I spoke to Nikola." Simo answered, and that was an unexpected answer. "Like me, he's from another world, the same world as me in fact."

"What the fuck is this about another world and shit?" Vedmak tried standing up, but he couldn't, so Jack crossed his arms over his chest to use Osiris in order to heal Vedmak.

"Long story, but anyway, Nikola told me that all of us who were brought into this world possess a special gift." Simo aimed his rifle at the witch. "The best way to awaken that power is to return to what made you a legend in the first place. For Nikola, it was just being smart. For me, I need to fight like I did back then during the war."

"And that means you want the barrier to go down because you were amazing at fighting in the snow, right?" Jack asked, and Simo nodded. "Vedmak, get rid of the barrier. Caroline, I need you to make as much snow as possible."

"You sure?" Caroline questioned while looking understandingly confused.

"Trust him, Caroline." Angelo ordered after doing almost nothing for the vast majority of the fight.

"Thanks, Boss." Simo thanked Jack as Saorise and TJ backed away from the witch after trying close combat. "Now, let me show you why they called me the 'White Death'."

With that said, Vedmak snapped his fingers, and the barrier preventing the snow from entering fell. The blizzard raging outside entered the area, and it got slightly darker because the artificial light of the barrier was now gone. Yaba tried flying away, but before she could, a bullet embedded itself into Utgard's knee joint, making it difficult to move Yaba's leg. Yaba was forced to pull the individual bullet out from her joints. As she bent down to pick the bullets out, a bullet flew through the air and towards her head. Yaba cut the bullet in half in the air and looked at the source, noticing Simo calmly walking towards her whilst holding his rifle as it emitted a pale white hue.

"Simo Hayha, Vänrikki of the 6th Company of Infantry Regiment 34 of the Finnish Army." Simo introduced himself as his eyes began to glow a chilly white color. "I also go by the White Death."

"Hehe, why are you telling me this you midget?" Yaba noticed how the blizzard around her began to increase in intensity, completely blocking her view of the rest of Jack's group and Vedmak. "I could annihilate you right here with Utgard, or my secret weapon, a living artifact called Bahamut."

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