Can I have your son ???

Depuis le début

Payu was on bed trying to sleep but couldn't...
He can't be apart from Rain like this anymore...

Payu finally decides to confess everything to their parents...

Payu calls Rain...

Payu : Sweetheart are you sleeping.???

Rain : No tell me am just missing you...

Payu : Rain I have decided on something and want to talk to you about it....

Rain : What have you decided..??

Payu : Rain tomorrow am going to tell my parents that we are dating...

And also I am going to tell your parents as well..

Rain : But why..??
Why so soon..??
They will get shock..!!!

Payu : That's fine..
I can't take this anymore... I can't play this hide and seek game anymore...

Tomorrow be at home... I will be there

Rain : Payu are you sure..???

Payu : Am 100% sure...

Rain : Okay what ever you decide is fine for me...

Morning Payu goes to his home...

Payu parents were shocked to see their son at home after long time and that too this early in the morning...

Payu mom : Payu how come you are here..
Did you by any chance forgot the route anywhere..???

Payu : Mom.. dad.. I want to speak something serious with you..

Payu dad : Oh what happened..???

Payu : Mom... dad
I and Rain are dating...!!!

His parents listens to that and starts to laugh loudly...

Payu : Mom.. dad am being seriously here...

Payu mom : My idiot son... we knew something is going on between you and Rain...

Rain mom had a doubt and discussed with us...

We were just waiting for your confirmation...

Payu : So you are okay with it..??? 😳😳😳

Payu dad : Yes of course why not..
we are dying to listen this from so many years...

Payu felt so happy..

He further states that now he is going to Rain home..

To tell Rain parents as well...

Payu parents were so happily that they tell Payu they are also coming with him...

At Rain home...

Rain heart was about to have heart attack seeing Payu with his parents...

Payu : Aunty I was to confess here that I and Rain are dating....

Rain mom : I knew... I knew this...
When Rain was so sad yesterday and soon his face brightened up yesterday seeing your face in the mall...

I told your mom...

We knew this...

Rain : So are you guys okay with it...

Rain dad : Oh god we are dame okay with it...
We are waiting for this movement our entire life...

Payu wanted to give another shock now...

Payu : Aunt.. uncle...
Can I get your permission for Rain to stay with me from now on...???

Rain : Whatttt..???
Rain brain was about to explode now...

Every one in the room were 😱😱😱

Payu continues...

I know it's too early but please give me a chance I want to take care of Rain..
I want him to stay with me...

Rain parents were overwhelmed...
That even in these days... Payu considers the permission of parents...

They both agree for Payu request...

Payu parents also were so happy...

Rain mom : You can take him...
I know he will be very happy staying with you...

I have observed him from past few days he is so happy... around you...

Finally Payu gets permission from both the parents to take Rain with him to his home...

He goes to Rain and hugs him...

While hugging...

Payu : Sorry this was so sudden...
I love you...

Rain hugs Payu back...

Rain : I love you too my sexy Payu...

All were so happy....

End of chapter...
Next chapter will see life of Payu and Rain staying together....
Comment your thoughts down below...🤗🤗🤗

My heartless sweetheart 😍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant