Chapter Fifty-Seven: Savior Or Not

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"Rei, I work hard on chakra control so it came naturally for me because I knew the amount of chakra I need to put into it and how to manipulate it to continue the jutsu, so don't set yourself on my level, at least not yet and I thought that it was pretty impressive you made it that large." 

Her smile at the end of the sentence could have melted any cold heart in the world and I was left with her energized self again. 

"Well, do you have tips for me?" 

She asked after we broke our embrace and I took up a thinking face for a minute, coming to my full height and I was looking down at her, I could tell that she lack the right information to continue, and her chakra within the jutsu was small. 

"Yeah, I think I do, you aren't using enough chakra to do the jutsu, you have the formation and manipulation of chakra right but you aren't putting out enough chakra, so try that okay?" 

I told her and she nodded excitingly, going back to the edge as she flash through the handsigns for the jutsu again and expel it, it was the same result but the fireball gradually got large and I knew what she was doing, it got so large that it became a small ways from actually being as big as Aunty Mikoto. 

What she did was continuously add more chakra to the flow she had going, increasing the fireball in waves. It was a smart thing to do since she can mark the amount of chakra she had used to get to that point. 

"Well done Little one." 

I congratulate her and her entire face seems to brighten up the cause of it. I smiled and turned around to my Oba-san, seeing her staring between us and smiling. 

"Well, I guess that is it for now Rei, let me and Naruto walk you home okay." 

She nodded and started to walk off, me and Oba-san following behind her as we watch how she seems so happy to tell her mother about her successful fireball. 

It made me turn to my aunty with a suspicious face, every since I met her, she had always mentioned a Mother and never a father or any siblings. 

"She is a single child with a mother of Uchiha blood but also with Yamanaka blood as well, said a Yamanaka male who has a history of violence, he hasn't been put away yet because her mother refused to press charges because she wanted to keep a father figure in Rei's life." 

I took a deep breath at that explanation, Rei is almost like me, granted my parents weren't fighting each other but she lacks a parental figure in her life and I can get why she was so quick to be so kind to me and so open with me. 

A part of her sees me as the father figure she was lacking in life and I guess I could understand that, I mean Gabby was taken away from her original parents and left with some terrorists and I could only imagine the worst if we had not stopped him. 

My baby girl could be going through the same thing Rei is going through or even worst. I never wanted that for her and I won't want that for little Rei either. Not when she doesn't do anything but speaks highly of her mother who was trying her best to make a father in her life. 

I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that we were already at the house, a scream was what caused me to jump out of my thoughts and my hand had already reached for my gun on my thigh. 

Taking it out of its holster, I pulled Rei into the arms of Mikoto and she took hold of her, I went up to the door and turned the doorknob, it was locked, what a surprise. I did a waist kick on the door, making the door destroy the frame that was keeping it locked and I went forward. 

Full SAS mood coming on as I moved from room to room, my gun out and my finger ready to pull the trigger should need to be. 

"No STOPP!!!" 

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