A week later Kyungsoo was sitting on the ugly red couch in his living room, when Chanyeol burst through the door. (Kyungsoo had already given him the passcode after that first night)

"Soo! I did it! I sold my first demo.", he yelled while hauling Kyungsoo up in a bear hug.

Kyungsoo laughed at his infectious enthusiasm. "You did?"

"I did! Are you proud?", he said, lowering himself to Kyungsoo's height to be able to look him more fully in the eye.

"So proud", Kyungsoo said and took advantage of the easy access to press his lips to Chanyeol's.

"God, I feel so good right now", he said as he allowed himself to fall back onto the couch unceremoniously, with Kyungsoo on top of him.

"Hey!" Kyungsoo swatted him in the chest.

"What, sweetcakes?", Chanyeol said as he brazenly put his hands on the sweetest little ass he knew to be in existence.

"What are you doing?", Kyungsoo laughed as Chanyeol happily kept moulding and pinching his butt.

"Enjoying my bounty", Chanyeol twinkled up at him.

"I'm your bounty?", Kyungsoo quirked a brow.

"No! Of course, not!...THIS is my bounty", Chanyeol laughed as he gave Kyungsoo's butt another firm squeeze.

"You're the worst!", Kyungsoo exclaimed, hitting Chanyeol in the chest, but giggling nonetheless.

Chanyeol stilled as he brushed Kyungsoo's hair out of his face, cupping it with both of his hands. "I love you, Do Kyungsoo, just so you know".

"And I love you, Park Chanyeol.", Kyungsoo said, "...Just so you know.", before leaning down and capturing Chanyeol's lips with his own.

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