When Kyungsoo was finally fully awake, he gingerly wandered downstairs in search of more nutrition, only to find Baekhyun and Minseok having breakfast.

"Ah, if it isn't our own sleeping beauty", Minseok called out.

Kyungsoo could tell he meant it in a friendly manner. "Hey guys.", he managed to croak out.

The two laughed in unison. "That kind of night, huh", said Baekhyun.

"Yeah, I guess.", Kyungsoo said a little shamefaced.

"Don't worry about it! It happens to the best of us.", Baekhyun said cheerily. "Nothing like a house movie night to restore you back to your previous, bouncing self."

"Uh, what.", Kyungsoo managed intelligently.

"House movie night.", Minseok chimed in. "Once a week, we get together and watch a couple of movies. Originally Junmyeon's idea, but it actually kind of stuck. We mostly watch action. Cause we're all a bunch of dudes, duh.", he laughed. "But we're pretty much open to anything. You can invite your friend too, if you want."

"My friend?"

"Jongdae, was it?", Baekhyun chimed in helpfully.

"Oh! Jongdae, yeah, sure, I'll ask him".

"We had meant to ask you sooner", Minseok added, "but it wasn't easy catching you. You lead quite the busy life apparently."

Minseok's expression radiated with friendly curiosity, but Kyungsoo wasn't about to tell him that his absence was mainly due to Chanyeol. For some reason he didn't feel comfortable talking to them about Chanyeol yet. "Uh yeah, I have this extra job, you know."

"Sure, sure, no need to explain yourself to us.", Baekhyun smiled easily. "How are things with Chanyeol?"

Kyungsoo choked momentarily on the coffee he was drinking. "Chanyeol?", he croaked after a minute.

"Yeah", Baekhyun laughed. "You know, the big oaf you share a room with. All six feet of giant puppy dog?"

"That. That's how you see Chanyeol?", Kyungsoo stuttered. He should have known better than to have this conversation this early in the morning on a hungover brain.

"Yeah, of course. Wait. How do you see Chanyeol?", Baekhyun asked curiously.

"I don't know", murmured Kyungsoo. "Just. Not that."

"Well then that just proves you don't know him well enough. Hence, movie night.", Baekhyun grinned. "I gotta run, but I'll see you tonight Kyungsoo-yah, yeah?"

It was impossible to say no to Baekhyun's enthusiasm. "Sure, I guess." Movie night, it was.

At seven Jongdae and Jongin arrived at the house. Jongdae had asked to bring Jongin along and Junmyeon had said that, of course, it was fine, so now both his former flat mates were here. Kyungsoo was so glad to see them. His new housemates were all nice, of course, but these two still felt like home.

After saying their initial hello's, they slowly drifted back to the living room where everybody else was already seated. Junmyeon sat in a single armchair together with his boyfriend Sehun. (This was news to Kyungsoo, but he wished them every happiness as they looked adorable together) Baekhyun was lounging on the couch and Minseok was sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Come on", said Minseok enthusiastically. "I want to get started on the first movie."

"Oh, we're nog going to wait for Chanyeol?", Kyungsoo asked, as he and Jongdae joined Baekhyun on the couch, while Jongin took place on the floor next to Minseok.

"Nah, he's out with Ae-ri.", Baekhyun said. "Who knows when they'll be back."

"Ae-ri?", Kyungsoo repeated dumbly.

"Yeah, his sort-of girlfriend. I don't know how hot-and-heavy they actually are, but they tend to play it up when his family situation requires it.", Minseok supplied.

"Oh", Kyungsoo said, not really understanding anything.

Baekhyun must have seen the confusion on Kyungsoo's face and decided to take pity on him. "Chanyeol's family is...demanding. They need Chanyeol to be the perfect son, to have the perfect grades (which he doesn't) and to have the perfect reputation, which is where Ae-ri comes in. I don't know if they actually have feelings for each other, but she's always been there for Chanyeol. They have each other's backs."

'Oh", Kyungsoo said again, realisation dawning that Chanyeol might not have the perfect life he'd always assumed after all.

"But enough of that!", Minseok suddenly says. "It's movie night! Jongin, help me pick a movie!"

After some friendly bickering between the oldest and one of the babies of the group (Kyungsoo didn't really know how old Sehun was so he wasn't exactly sure), they settled on a classic Keanu Reeves flick.

Kyungsoo was fine with anything. He wasn't really paying attention anyway. The news about Chanyeol's less than stellar family life had shaken him a bit. He had always just assumed...

When the movie was about half way, they heard stumbling in the hallway. A minute later Chanyeol's head popped in the door. "Sorry, Sorry! I'll be quiet". He tiptoed past the tv, rounded the coffee table and then crashed to the floor, in an attempt to get to his place as soon as possible. Quiet was not how you would describe it.

Kyungsoo found himself smiling.

Chanyeol was now sitting in front of him but it did not look very comfortable. As Kyungsoo glanced to the side, he saw that Jongin and Minseok had each settled between Jongdae and Baekhyun's legs respectively so they could lean against the couch. Without thinking, Kyungsoo found himself touching Chanyeol's back.

Chanyeol appeared startled when he turned his head to Kyungsoo. He reminded him of a deer caught in headlights. Kyungsoo chuckled. "Lean back.", he motioned. When Chanyeol still didn't appear to understand, he pulled his shoulder closer to him. The big guy appeared to freeze for a second, but then let himself be guided in between Kyungsoo's legs. He didn't look back, however.

After a while, Kyungsoo felt a weight bumping against his knee. It appeared Chanyeol had dozed off and his head was lolling against Kyungsoo's knee.

On instinct, Kyungsoo put his hand in Chanyeol's neck and guided his head against his knee. He seemed so peaceful like this. His curly brown hair also felt really soft against his knee. Kyungsoo couldn't resist the urge to stroke it ever so softly.

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