"Kyungsoo-yah! Thank God, you're here!", Jongdae yelled as soon as he opened the door.

"I do live here.", Kyungsoo said dryly, before stepping inside their shared apartment.

"Yes, but you're also here to make everything better." Jongdae grinned at him.

"I guess?", Kyungsoo said hesitantly.

"You are, trust me." Jongdae wasted no time pulling him into the apartment and guiding him to the kitchen.

"We need food to serve our guests.", Jongdae said. "And both me and Jongin...have other talents."

"Sure", Kyungsoo snorted. "Meaning neither of you thought this through beforehand and now you're panicking?"

"Exactly!', Jondae said, refusing to let go of his optimism. "What are best friends for, if not to know each other's deepest thoughts and fears."

"Uhu.", said Kyungsoo. "Well, what do I have to work with?"

Two hours later the food was ready and the three of them were prepared to meet their guests. The party had been Jongdae's idea. He figured, as he had explained to his flat mates extensively, no better way to start their final year in college off right. Kyungsoo and Jongin, Jongdae's little brother and the third inhabitant of their apartment, had mostly just gone along with it.

Jongdae had done most of the inviting as well. Kyungsoo just couldn't care enough and Jongin was shy. He didn't want the added pressure of entertaining guests. This meant Kyungsoo didn't really have any idea who was going to show up tonight, but he trusted Jongdae. Most likely they would all be kind and civilised people, just like they were.

At nine, people started trickling in.

At ten, it was a crush.

Apparently, as Kyungsoo was rapidly finding out, Jongdae had no notion of what the capacity of their apartment was and what that meant in terms of inviting people. He guessed there were currently about fifty people in their cramped living space. And while they had warned their neighbours about the party, their understanding would only go so far.

Kyungsoo was doing his very best not to freak out.

At eleven, a line was forming outside their bathroom. As they only had one bathroom, this was starting to become a problem.

Kyungsoo went to the front of the line. "What's going on?", he asked a girl he had never seen before in his life. He was pretty sure Jongdae hadn't either. So much for trusting Jongdae.

"He's been in there for hours.", she said, exaggerating the ordeal a bit. "Tell him to hurry up!"

"Okay, you're right.", Kyungsoo said soothingly. "I will." He turned to the bathroom and put his hand on the knob.

Chanyeol was tense. Even though he had readily agreed to come to this party, now that the time was actually upon them, he was starting to have second thoughts.

The party itself was okay, he guessed. The four of them were just sitting around with several other classmates, having beers. There were even some cute girls giving him extra attention. It was nice.

And yet Chanyeol was on edge. He had seen Do in the kitchen, the moment they walked in. So much for parties being beneath his notice. They hadn't acknowledged each other. Chanyeol wasn't even sure Do had actually seen him. But still it put him on edge. He knew he was obsessing, although he didn't know why. But for some reason he couldn't let it go. His stomach had felt funny all night.

"Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom real quick." he didn't really have to go, but he was tense and needed something to do. And he was tired of focusing on the girl next to him droning on about how her roommate was seeing this guy she thought was terrible for her.

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