Chanyeol woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone stumbling in his room. "Kyungsoo what...", he started to say sleepily, when he felt a body crashing into him. Kyungsoo's body.

"Ooh sorry", he giggled. "I lost my balance while I was undressing." He giggled again before moving to climb under the covers with him.

"That's better. I was cold", he said, curling into a ball.

Chanyeol was too stunned to speak, until he forced himself to tap Kyungsoo on the shoulder. "Kyungsoo-yah, you're in the wrong bed.", he whispered carefully.

Except he shouldn't have done that because that's when he realised Kyungsoo wasn't wearing anything except for his boxers. Chanyeol's fingers were touching warm flesh. He pulled back as if burned.

"No! Come back." Kyungsoo turned around so they were lying face to chest. He suddenly moved as if to crawl all the way inside of Chanyeol, pressing his cheek against Chanyeol's collarbone. "Mmm, you're warm, Park Chanyeol.", he said drowsily, arms around Chanyeol's back to push them even closer.

Chanyeol, however, was frozen, not knowing what to do with the little ball of human flesh, pressed very closely to his front. Oh God, Kyungsoo started nuzzling his neck. "Mm, you smell good too", he murmured.

Chanyeol could only stand so much, so in the end he gave in and put his arms around Kyungsoo, who was already drifting off to sleep. Had anything ever felt so good? He knew it was wrong, but the smaller man seemed made to fit within the circle of his arms.

As he pressed a chaste kiss to Kyungsoo's head, Chanyeol just told himself to relax and enjoy it. "Sleep tight, Kyungsoo-yah."

At six in the morning Chanyeol woke up with Kyungsoo still sleeping blissfully in his arms. It had only been a couple of hours since Kyungsoo had crawled in bed with him but this was Chanyeol's normal waking time. This is when he went to work out and when he went to the studio after, to work on his music.

This was also the moment he had to get up if he was going to put the sleeping man next to him back in his own bed before he could notice what had happened last night.

Chanyeol knew Kyungsoo didn't like him. He knew that last night had been an innocent mistake on Kyungsoo's part, but it had clicked something inside of him. He knew he had to stay away if he was going to make it through the next couple of weeks with Kyungsoo in his room. Or at least until the other man would leave.

When Kyungsoo woke up it felt like an orchestra was warming up in his head. He instantly cursed himself. Why did he have to overdo it so much at the bar yesterday. He always knew his limits but somehow it all went out the window last night.

Maybe the stress of his current living situation hadn't really done him any good. It's not that it was bad, per se, everybody was really nice, but he was uncomfortable around Chanyeol. That feeling made him avoid the house as much as possible, which wasn't ideal. It was probably time he made serious work out of finding a new place.

When he, slowly, very slowly, turned his head to see what time it was, his eye fell on a glass with a suspicious looking liquid inside of it. Taped to the glass was a hot pink post-it note. "Drink this when you wake up. It will make you feel better. C."

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