Park Chanyeol was staring at the cutest little ass he knew to be in existence. It couldn't be helped. The ass in question was just so damn enticing, all round and firm. It was so enticing that underneath the table his hands were even pretend-fondling it. How he would pinch and mould and... Really, he could wax poetic about an ass like that and Chanyeol was not an otherwise poetically inclined kind of guy.

The only thing wrong with that particular little ass, it came attached to another little ass, figuratively speaking. Across the cafetaria where Chanyeol was currently taking up a table, stood Do Kyungsoo.

"Yo, Park."

Chanyeol's head whipped to the side. Startled out of his day dreaming, he hurriedly put his hands on top of the table. "Yo Baek, what up?" He tried to sound unbothered, but damn if he didn't feel a hot flush rising to his cheeks.

Byun Baekhyun, one of Chanyeol's housemates and arguably his best friend in the whole world, snickered. "You look like you were just caught with your hand in the cookie jar. What gives?"

"Nothing!" Chanyeol quickly tried to divert his friend before he would start to look around and potentially discover the source of Chanyeol's unruly thoughts. "Are Minseok and Junmeon coming? Do you know?"

Thankfully, Baekhyun had the attention span of a beagle and was easily distracted with the change of topic. "As far as I know. Minseok texted me ten minutes ago that he was on his way and I've never known Junmyeon to miss a lunch date, have you?", Baekhyun said smiling.

"True", Chanyeol chuckled and soon enough the four friends were happily devouring lunch.

As the conversation around him flowed easily, Chanyeol couldn't seem to keep his mind from wandering back to the subject occupying his thoughts before.

Though currently no longer to be seen, Do Kyungsoo drove him nuts sometimes. He was the biggest overachiever of their year: never missed class, always walking around with his nose in a book. And yet somehow, in the two years they had had classes together, he apparently had found the time to decide he did not like Park Chanyeol very much.

The few times Chanyeol had tried to make conversation, he was always purposely ignored. It sent Chanyeol up the wall. Mostly because for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why. What he had done to make this guy dislike him so much.

Chanyeol, who was one of the most popular guys of their year, had therefore felt an intense dislike for the "Do-kid" sprouting up in return. What he could not deny, however, was that despite his poor judgement of Chanyeol's character, Do did have some redeeming qualities. The best of which, Chanyeol felt adamant about, was the aforementioned little ass.

"Earth to Chanyeol. What's with you today?", Junmyeon, the eldest of the group asked.

"Sorry, Sorry.", Chanyeol said, feeling another blush coming on. "Just distracted I guess. My mom's been nagging my ears off to go to some gala of sorts. Represent the Park family, you know, the usual." At least his family drama came in useful once in a while.

"Aw sorry man, they been giving you a hard time again?"

"Naw, nothing I'm not used to. As long as I don't mention anything related to music, or, you know, any other hopes and dreams I might have, it's fine.", Chanyeol said wryly.

"Well, I've got just the thing to take your mind off of that shit.", Junmyeon said with a little bit too much enthusiasm.

Baekhyun and Minseok snorted almost simultaneously. "Like we haven't heard that before.", said Minseok. "What are you roping us into this time?"

"Yah", scoffed Junmyeon. "I do not rope you guys into things. I merely make suggestions for joint entertainment."

Junmyeon, being the eldest of the four housemates, appeared to feel some sense of responsibility to make sure they scheduled enough social activities as a group. Something about keeping up morale in the house or something. Chanyeol never really minded. He was a sociable enough guy.

"Do tell.", smiled Baekhyun.

"Well my buddy, Jongdae, is throwing a party this weekend and I made sure we were all invited.", Junmyeon said proudly.

"Jongdae? Kim Jongdae?", frowned Chanyeol.

"Yeah, why?"

"Isn't he, like, Do's trusty little sidekick? How do you know that guy?"

"He's in my 'Digital Marketing'-class. He's really nice.", Junmyeon said defensively. "Besides, you shouldn't judge people by their friends. I'm friends with you, aren't I?"

Baekhyun guffawed. "Got you there, Channie."

"Yeah, haha, funny.", Chanyeol said sourly. "But I'm telling you now, if Do's there and he starts giving me nasty looks, I'm outta there."

"Seriously, what's your fixation with that guy?", Baek asked curiously. "I don't think I've ever seen him give anyone any nasty looks. Pretty sure he wouldn't have time for that, what with all the library books in need of his attention. Are you sure you're not just imagining things?"

"I do not have a fixation", Chanyeol sputtered. "I just don't like being on the receiving end of his stink eye. It creeps me out, okay. But it's fine, I'll go. Parties are probably beneath his notice anyway, right?"

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