In the weeks after their "hang", Chanyeol and Kyungsoo's relationship kept improving. Kyungsoo felt they had actually become friends by now and he couldn't be happier about it.

They still left each other post-it notes, but more often than not, they contained little jokes instead of actual information. And sometimes they were just sweet. Like this morning, when Kyungsoo had found a note taped to his nightlight that said. "Made you a song. For when things get hard. C." On his nightstand had been a USB. Kyungsoo hadn't stopped listening to it all day.

He felt amazing.

Until he didn't.

Kyungsoo was planning to stop by cafe Jinyoung to pick up one of their muffins that Chanyeol really liked when he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. Maybe a hundred feet in front of him stood a couple embracing outside of the cafe. Kyungsoo would recognize that frame and the oversized clothing anywhere.

It felt like his heart stopped beating in his chest. He didn't know what was wrong with him, except that he suddenly appeared to have forgotten how to breathe. He made a small, choked noise, before turning on his heel and running as fast as he could.

When he arrived back at the house, he went straight to their room, without stopping to talk to anyone. He didn't care if it looked weird. He just...needed to be alone. He needed to think. About what he saw, about what it meant, about what he felt.

He was given no such reprieve, however, because after what seemed like only five minutes, the door to their room burst open to reveal a completely out-of-breath Chanyeol.

"Kyungsoo-yah, what..." His voice faltered when he saw the expression on Kyungsoo's face.

"Kyungsoo-yah, what's wrong?", he repeated, sinking down to his knees in front of him.

His face was so close. And yet. Kyungsoo swallowed and looked away. "Nothing."

"Like hell, it's nothing.", Chanyeol burst out. "Kyungsoo, I just ran all the way here, after I got a call from Junmyeon who was panicking because you had come running in here, looking like a zombie, not acknowledging anybody. Now tell me what's wrong!"

Chanyeol sounded angry, but Kyungsoo knew it was concern that made him talk like that. Not anger. But still he couldn't look him in the eye, too confused about his own feelings.

Chanyeol had never promised him anything other than friendship. He knew that. He even knew about his relationship with Ae-ri. But then why did he feel so betrayed. Why did he feel like he wanted to hurt Chanyeol.

"I don't think we can be friends anymore."

Chanyeol looked like Kyungsoo had struck him.

"I'm moving out." Kyungsoo got up and moved to his closet, as if he was ready to pack up everything then and there.

"Like hell you are!", Chanyeol spit out and suddenly pushed Kyungsoo with his back against the closet, arms raised next to his head. "Not until you tell me what's wrong!".

Kyungsoo thrashed in a futile attempt to get loose. "Let me go, Park Chanyeol.", he bit out. "Right now. I swear to God."

"Or you'll do what?", he laughed bitterly. "Leave me?"

Chanyeol looked like Kyungsoo had pushed him too far, but Kyungsoo couldn't think rationally anymore. Tears came streaming down his face.

"Yes!", he screamed and smashed his lips into Chanyeol's.

Chanyeol dropped Kyungsoo's arms in surprise, but quickly found his wits about him and without breaking contact, pushed Kyungsoo roughly back up against the closet. This time he was cupping his face with one hand and grabbing his slim waist with the other. He felt Kyungsoo's arms slowly coming back up to grab hold of the back of his shirt.

Chanyeol kissed all over Kyungsoo's face until there was no longer any trace of tears, which was when he returned to his mouth. The smaller had a mouth made for sin. Full, luscious lips that Chanyeol had been aching for weeks to possess. Chanyeol just couldn't seem to stop kissing them until both boys became one big, panting, tangle of limbs.

Soon enough, Chanyeol felt himself getting hard. Instinctively, he pushed his erection into Kyungsoo's stomach. The smaller gasped and pushed his own slender hips forward. Chanyeol felt his hardness rubbing against his legs, in a desperate fashion. He was so turned on.

In a split-second decision, he lifted Kyungsoo up by his hips, so the other man could wrap his legs around Chanyeol's waist. Chanyeol turned around and carried him like a baby to his bed.

Once he dropped Kyungsoo unceremoniously on it, he quickly followed and ground his hips into those of the smaller man beneath him. Kyungsoo mewled from the friction.

So Chanyeol gave him more. He kept riding his still constrained dick up against the smaller man's, until he started to whimper. And then Kyungsoo started to buck. Chanyeol knew the boy was about to spill in his pants, purely from the friction, so he captured his plump lips in one last searing kiss.

Kyungsoo came shuddering, face buried in the crook of Chanyeol's neck. Chanyeol just held him, no longer interested in finishing himself off. He was exhausted from what they had just done and all the emotions that came with it. Before long, they both dozed off.

When Chanyeol woke up an hour later, he was alone. One post-it note on the bed: "I don't think I can do this. K."

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