chapter 12 no matter what you do it right

Începe de la început

*Jason paid with his actual credit card and not Bruce's this time since this was something Jason wanted to buy with the money he earned. Jason grabbed the box and place it on his pocket, both him and Marinette walked out of the jewelry store holding hands*

Jason;so little pixie what's the most romantic place in Paris ?

Marinette:well i don't know about the most romantic, but I've always loved the cathedral of Notre Dame

Jason:lead the way

Scene change

Jason:gotta admit this place is pretty beautiful, i can see why assassin's Creed made there best game about this place

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Jason:gotta admit this place is pretty beautiful, i can see why assassin's Creed made there best game about this place

Marinette:I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that


Marinette:the best assassin's Creed game is 3 Ratonhnhaké:ton is 10 times better then your Romeo wanna be

*Jason gasped dramatically putting his hand on his chest*

Jason:how could my future wife say such a slanderous thing? Arno is a way better protagonist

Marinette:way better at being a simp you mean. He got kicked out of the creed while Connor stopped the templar order by himself in America what did Arno do? Oh right follow Elise around like a lost puppy

Jason:at least my gameplay is better

Marinette:you mean the gameplay that is filled with glitches?

Jason:they patched those out!

Marinette:not all of them. And the same gameplay that started the microtransactions ?


*Marinette walked ahead of him with a smug smile, Jason sighed and then chuckled and followed her*

Jason:at least my wife is not a pushover

Marinette:oh darn

Jason:what's up?

Marinette:it's closed, shame guess we'll have to come tomorrow, and the lighting really was beautiful today...

Jason:....out of curiosity those this place have any cámaras?

Marinette:huh? Uh no?

*Jason looked around seeing nobody looking at them walked in front of Marinette and started picking the lock. Marinette looked shocked*

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