Chapter 8

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"So you going in or not?"

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"So you going in or not?"

"Only me? Not coming?"

"Ofcourse, I am not. I am tired bro. We've been looking for her all day. Still no sign of her shop among all we've checked. You are the one looking for her anyway, not me so you check this, it's the last one on the list."

Alex nodded his head as he looked out of his car. The neighborhood is the downtown area of the city. It being in a remote area with the biggest shop or company there being a newspaper company. Alex doubted if this could be where the lady he was looking for would be.

Alexander had decided to get hold of himself and finally work on things that affects him instead of making his mother and family worry. And having only one thing that makes him being on the edge-the lady he had spent a one night stand with. Alex had taken it upon himself to look for her.

Not wanting to bring up any scandal or rumour whatsoever, knowing he will soon be ordained as the new royal king of the city. Alex decided not to hire any investigator and look for her himself.

Despite his money and status, it wasn't easy for him to get to find out information about who the lady was. No personal information whatsoever about her. The escort company who also provide the girls he used to have one night stand with also couldn't provide any information about her. It was like she doesn't exist at all.

The only information he could get was the lady who introduced her was her bestfriend and once talked about her friend owning a café and dessert shop and that had made him and his bestfriend to starts looking for her althrough the whole cafe and dessert shops in the whole city.

They've went to about a hundred shops and haven't found one that belongs to her or know about her. Alex stared at the local café right in front of him unconvinced. He doubted if the café will belong to her.

A lady like that wouldn't open a cafe shop in a remote environment like this. Alexander thought as he rested his back against the car seat not bothering to get out of the car.

"Not going to check?" Richard asked looking at his friend who now had his eyes closed nonchalantly.

"Let's just leave. I am tired already. We can continue tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? You are joking right? You promised only today. We still have several business meetings, royal banquet and gatherings lining up for us to attend to. We can't do this again tomorrow Alex. Not anytime soon." Richard said, deadpan.

Alex opened his eyes as he turned to his friend. He knew he was right. He had been slacking alot both in his royal activities and business work. He had a lots on his mind and he couldn't bring himself to concentrate on all that with what he is going through.

He knew he had to do something about it if he doesn't want to end up getting more affected by it-her. He needs to find her. Even though he had no idea why or how seeing her again will solve his problem, he just needed to meet her again.

His Royal Highness Seductress | 18+ (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now