Unexpected "Visitor"

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The look of dismay on Japan's face was unmistakable. She wanted to cry.

She wanted to run.

She wanted to yell, to fight, to punch, to do something, but her legs wouldn't move.

Her mother's face looked different.


It looked like the skin was stretched tightly over her face.

But then Japan noticed her previous scars on her face were nearly gone.

What kind of sick surgery did she get?

"You seem to be as stupid as ever." JE hissed.

"How pleasant! Great attitude." Japan snarked. She was not about to argue with her mom.

"That's not the way you speak to your mother." JE glared.

Japan laughed, a cold, empty laugh. "You still have the audacity to call yourself my mother? All you did was hurt me! You've told me over and over again I'm a mistake. So if that's true, then why did you have me? I never wanted to be in this cruel world, and you still think you're a good mother?"

"Yes. I do," JE snapped. "Because that's how I was raised, and I figured if I taught you the same, you'd become actually useful for once."

Japan caught a glance at her friends.

Russia was staring at the both of them with a shocked expression, Germany shook his head. America stood there, frozen

"This isn't the time. I'll just say this. Stop making people feel uncomfortable. That's wrong."

"Too bad. You can deal with it, or die. Frankly? I don't care," JE snapped.

Japan turned on her heel, waving her friends away from her mother.

Germany sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, America looking somewhat terrified, while Russia just stood there awkwardly.

"Uh— you guys okay?" Japan said, crouching down.

"Good enough." Russia groaned.

"You.... You sure?" Japan raised an eyebrow, casting a glance at America.

"It's nothing." Germany sighed. 

"Fun." Russia muttered, glancing at everyone before walking away, leaving Japan and America.

"...So.." America twiddled his thumbs awkwardly, trying to fill the empty silence. "She's pretty scary, huh?"

Japan snorted, "She's way worse than that."



Someone tapped Germany on the shoulder, and he turned with a jolt.

"Hey, Germany," Japan said softly. "Do you want to take a walk?"

Germany looked up at her with a soft smile. "Of course." He said, standing up, stretching.

After a while of silence, Japan turned her head to him.

"Hey, so, during uh —" Okay, maybe I should know how to word this. "When I was talking to my mother, you looked worried. Are you feeling okay?"

Germany gazed at her, mouth forming into a tight line. "I.... Am. I just don't want you to get hurt, you know?"

Japan raised an eyebrow. "You think I won't be fine?" She teased.

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