Dragged In

530 10 213

[Germany 3rd person POV]

It was supposedly late, and Germany sat down, buuuuuttt, of course got dragged into another fight with Third.

"How many times do I have to say this? We don't have to fight!" Germany shouted.

"And you don't need to be friends with those fucking idiots!" Third shouted back, grabbing him by the collar, rubbing over the bruises already on his neck. "I'm your Vater, listen to me!" He snapped.

"Well guess what, you're supposed to be dead!" Germany retorted.

" 'supposed to be' my ass. Why am I still here, then?" Third asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The hell do I know?! I'm starting to suspect that I'm still here just to suffer with you, dipshit! I'm not a kid anymore!" Germany scowled. "You can't just betray or control everyone you meet, fuckhead."

"What the hell have you turned into? You were so fucking timid and quiet all the time. You literally only talked to East."

"Shut up." Germany snapped.

"No," Third narrowed his eyes with a huff. "Asshole, why the hell are you still here?"

"Because I know that if I leave, then things will fall apart." He hissed.

"Doubtful." Third had a thin smile on his face.

"Hah! I see it didn't work out for you." Germany snorted.

Third said nothing, conveying enough emotion with a pissed off face. He dragged his boot around in a tiny circle before walking closer. "Hör zu, Idiot. Ich bin dein Vater, du musst mir zuhören. Ich weiß nicht, warum ich hier bin, aber vielleicht ist es für dich... Wiedervereinigung mit deiner Familie. (Listen here, idiot. I'm your father, you have to listen to me. I don't know why I'm here, but maybe it's for you to... Reunite with your family.)" He smiled.

"Machst du Witze? Wir wissen nicht einmal, wer das getan hat, und ich werde nie aufhören, dich zu hassen. (Are you joking? We don't even know who did this, and I'll never stop hating you.)" Germany swiped his hand away with a grimace.

"Mm." Third tossed him a disgusted glare. "Ehrlich? Ich habe etwas Besseres erwartet, für eine solche Person wie dich. Ich verstehe nicht einmal, warum deine Schwester dich überhaupt möchte. (Honestly? I expected better, for such a person like you. I don't even understand why your sister liked you anyway.)"

"Siehst du? Das ist es, was ich sage! (See? This is what I'm saying!)" Germany cried. "I—Ich kann dir nicht glauben." (I — I can't believe you.)"

Third smiled again, whistling an eerie tune. Germany balled his fists, but did nothing.

He just stared blankly at the thin figure in front of him, his throat burning and eyes watering.

"Awh, fühlst du dich wieder nutzlos? Vielleicht.. Krank? (Awh, feeling useless again? Perhaps.. Sick?)" Third asked in an overly sweet, mockingly pitying voice.

Germany stared at him, his mouth shut. He was getting angrier and angrier, but he knew his anger would just amuse his father. He relaxed, letting a smirk peek through his lips, just to see what happened.

Third narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "What are you trying to get at?"

Germany just smiled more, seeming content, like an absolute fucking phsycopath. He sat down, cross—legged. Third looked livid.

"Go on." Germany enjoyed seeing his father so angry, maybe that was just how it worked, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. Third tipped his hat up, his startling orange eyes blazing like fire. "What the fuck are you trying to do?" He hissed.

"Nothing," Germany smiled.

Third glared, walking closer and crouching. " 'Nothing'," He deadpanned. "Tell me, what is this 'nothing'?"


America looked over to the two bickering people, and felt very uncomfortable. Conflict— despite how much he got into it— always made him feel very on-edge.

"What's wrong, Ammie?" Confederate snarked teasingly, with a grin on his face.

"Don't call me that," America growled under his voice.

"What, is it because you're a tr—"

"Don't finish."

"Fine, fine." CSA sighed and rolled his eyes. America's eyes suddenly noticed that he had a gun, something that previously, America must've ignored.

"Why do you have a gun?"

"I died in war, you expect me to not have a weapon? Psh." Confederate rolled his eyes.

"...I —" America stuttered. "Why are you still bothering me?"

The Confederate smiled. It was certainly not a warm smile, the lines around his mouth being pressed into tight, jagged lines. "Because it's funny, what else?"

"I don't know, you want to kill me?" America snapped.

CSA said nothing. He smiled again. It was definitely pissing Ame off, and he knew it. America's position relaxed a tiny bit, narrowing his eyes. "Maybe I do."

America leaned back. Honestly? I'm not surprised. He used to be nicer, but guess who fucked that up?!

"Listen," CSA spat. "You can sit pretty all you want, but that still won't change the fact that you're quite pathetic, and I doubt you'll still be breathing if you manage to escape," He said with another sly, cruel smile, taking out the rifle he had slung onto his back, pressing the cold, hard metal to America's chin. "Mark my words."

A faint clacking of thick leather boots filled the air as the CSA stalked away, the rifle still in his arms. America made a tch sound, annoyed.


He jolted up from nearly dozing off after hearing a soft thunk. America whizzed around, his eyes widening to see. . .

"Wait, what —? JAPAN?" America cried out in shock. I guess I was a fool for thinking this couldn't get any crazier.

"Ow —" Japan propped herself up with a grunt, her eyes bleary. "What. The fuck."

She looked up, and by America's clear expression, she knew something was definitely up.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" America nearly shrieked. "Okay, y'know? Fuck that. Why is anyone here?"

Japan looked at him weirdly. "...Are you asking me, or are you just delusional?"

"I'm asking God, does that count?" America rubbed his head.

"No." Japan said flatly, crossing her arms.

"Hey idiot," Russia tapped America on the shoulder. "Feel free to start freaking out more, because the walls are fucking distorting."

"I cannot do this." America sat down.

"I don't know, stop being pathetic." Japan narrowed her eyes on him.

"That's nice." Russia raised an eyebrow.

"What, you come here often?" Japan waved her arms at the empty space, her black t—shirt nearly invisible besides her gray sweater tied around her waist.

"No." Russia hissed.

"Well, that's just great." Japan sat on the ground, already tired of being stuck with two melodramatic idiots.

"Oh, games? Is that what we're doing?" Someone said behind her, in a singsong mocking tone.

Japan's eyes widened.

Lol posted this late ikkk

Since the end of the school year is very close, I can't write as often


Anygays this was rushed so it's short 😭Lyg😼

OBSCURED ♦COUNTRYHUMANS AU♦Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang