Shifting and Brushing

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[Russia Third Person POV]

Russia groaned, touching his head lightly.

Where am I?

Oh holy shit — this already looks terrifying. He thought, looking around the empty, black space. Although there was something to it; Like everything oddly had a similar look to, let's say, an old picture from the 1990s to early 2000s.

Everything seemed . . . More, lively, or bright. Somehow in this black space though.

Then, Russia saw it.

A tall, slim figure, in the shadows, almost seeming as if he was holding something.

Russia stumbled over, trying to get a better look at the figure.


Russia blinked twice, making sure this was actually happening.


The man turned, flaps of his ushanka, that had seemed to be more burnt and ripped, similar to Russia's, but not exactly, waved in the nonexistent wind as he turned, faint cracks and scars all over the visible parts of his body that weren't covered by the thick and heavy beige coat.

"Россия. Я знал, что скоро увидимся. (Russia. I knew I'd see you soon.)" Soviet hugged his son, falling to the ground as they wept together.

Russ pulled away, " Папа, я больше не маленький ребенок. Я могу свободно говорить по-английски, более или менее. (Dad, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can speak English fluently, more or less.)" He said, laughing through tears of joy.

"О, хорошо. (Oh, good.)" His father chuckled.

"Anyways, what the hell is happening —" Russia was genuinely confused.

"Don't ask me. I got here a while ago, although I cannot remember, it seemed as if the days have blurred together." His father answered.

"Do you remember anything before this happened?" Russia asked, testing him.

What he really was asking was: "Do you remember the Cold War? America? World War Two? ANYTHING?"

His father froze.

"Uhm, Dad?"

The Soviet Union stood up suddenly, and touched his head.

"I do," He said, an odd tone to his voice, "That — That boy— What was his name?"

"Uhm, the jerk, America?—" Russia started.

"Oh, yes, Америка." Soviet sighed.

"Meh, I'm sure that —" loser, Russia thought bitterly. "—Uhm, person, is extremely sorry for causing you trouble."

"Yeah, yeah. But that's beside the point," His father said stubbornly. "First of all, we don't know anything about where we are, second, we don't know how to g —"


A long crackle followed after the first, and Russia turned to see his childhood best friend, who looked like he was reading a few very important things, cause he had, like, fifty books in his hands.

"Germany—!" Russia shouted happily.

"What— I don't — Russia?" Germany squinted at him.

Wait, if Soviet is here, does that mean — Russia turned and saw Germany's father.

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