"Ignore Them"

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[Russia POV]

"OH MY GOD. CAN THEY SHUT UP?" Russia snapped, covering his ears as his father and Germany's father kept arguing, shouting like their lives were in critical danger.

"Just uh.. Ignore them." America said drowsily, stretching his arms.

The fighting got increasingly louder, and then a clueless Germany suddenly got dragged into the fight.

"'Ignore them!'" Russia mocked in a high—pitched voice, using little finger quotes.

"Alright, alright, I admit, that sounded stupid. Yo, do you know why Germany gets traumatized every 0.5 second?" America asked Russia.

"I don't know. He's just.... Emo like that." Russia answered. Hmm, maybe I should call Germany emo more often. Embarrassing him is way too hilarious.

"Russia, get off your ass. Let's go do something." America grinned.

"Do WHAT?" Russia waved his hands around the black space.

"Uh. I don't know." America thought for a moment.

"You're an idiot." Russia scowled.

"Aww, thanks!" America flashed a smile, but something in his expression hinted at another buried feeling.

"How long has it been anyways?" Russia asked.

"Two days." America looked away.

"WHAT? TWO DAYS? ALREADY?" Russia shouted.

"Oops..?" America tried, shifting his weight.

"Oops? Are you kidding me?! We don't even know where the hell we are!" Russia felt like pulling his hair out.

"Chill out! We don't know much more than we did before." America said.

"Mmm.. You're terrible at comforting." Russia observed.

"I know, right?"

"....Why did I think we could be friends?" Russia genuinely wondered.

"Because it's a destiny brought by God himself!" America put one arm around Russia's shoulder, throwing an arm up forming a little rainbow motion, grinning his face off.

"Mmm." Russia rolled his eyes.

"Awh, c'mon! Don't give me that face." America fake—pouted.

"Puppy eyes don't work on me." Russia snapped, pushing him away.

"Sure, sure. I mean, Ruski, I'm super cool, how could it not?!" America pushed his glasses up onto his nose bridge.

Russia raised one eyebrow.

"Agh! Stop! No, no, not that face!" America mimicked vomiting.

"...What? Are you deranged? Do I need to call the..." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Скорая помощь? (Ambulance?)"

"The.. What now?" America quirked his eyebrow.

"An Скорая помощь." Russia answered. "I don't know what it's called in English."

"Well, that was useless." America snorted.

"You're the one who asked," Russia smiled.

"Why are we still having this conversation?" America grumbled, and then nearly got bowled onto the ground by Germany being thrown at him.

"Germany! Jesus fuck, are you okay?"

"Nope, not even close," Germany brushed himself off. "Diese Arschlöcher zogen mich immer wieder in ihre dummen kleinen Argumente, und es war so ärgerlich. Ich werde nicht ins Detail gehen. (Those assholes kept dragging me into their stupid little arguments, and it was so annoying. I won't go into detail.)" He muttered.

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