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[Germany 3rd person]

Germany shifted his position, letting go of Russia but still leaving a hand on his best friend's shoulder.

Russia looked tired and angry, but mostly sorrowful. He groaned and covered his puffy red eyes with his hands, sniffling, attempting to stop himself from breaking down again.

Germany winced at his stained shirt, but in truth, he'd do anything for his best friend. They had always been together, supporting each other, and Germany wasn't about to throw all of that away.

Germany suddenly heard a thump followed by a groan, and turned to see none other than..

"Amerika.." Germany rolled his eyes, still comforting Russia.

"What the hell?! I thought — HUH—?" America stuttered, rubbing his eyes.

"Ugnh." Russia groaned and buried his head into Germany's shoulder tiredly.

"What – Germany! Russia?" America groaned, touching his head.

"Hey, Amerika." Germany waved at him.

"Where are we? Why is it so dark? Oh —" America spotted Third and Soviet, and something dawned in his eyes. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This was not supposed to happen! Why did I even bother to go to work today?!" He whined, rubbing his eyes.

"Uh." Germany started.

"Oh, Germany, Poland was worried you were angry at him. Are you?" America asked.

"No." Germany replied, standing up.

"Uh, so, Germany, if Soviet and Third are here, does that mean..?" America trailed off.

"Scheiße." Germany muttered, looking beyond America.

Russia shakily stood, his beanpole body nearly collapsing into a ball again.

"Wait —" America's eyes widened.

[America 1st Person POV]

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, and I jerked back.

"Who the hell—" I started, and then recognized Germany's oh-shit-not-again expression.

I turned around and nearly tripped.

"Oh, hello. Didn't it take you long enough?" He mocked, his voice whispery and oily.

I swallowed. Hard. I wanted to run away, but where? This was already turning to an absolute hell, and I was terrified.

My eyes darted around, looking for an escape, but only seeing Germany and Russia.

"Oh, so the big—and—strong country is scared of someone who's dead?"

A sickening laugh.

"S — shut up." I hissed. I wanted to run, but it felt like my feet were glued to the ground.

I lifted my fist, and punched him in the nose.

"AMERICA!" Germany shouted, and grabbed my arms.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him. I grunted and tried to twist out of his way, shifting my feet.

"Oh, isn't this exciting." He laughed, covering his mouth.

"I can't even see you! How am I—" I started angrily.

"America, calm down!" Germany stomped his foot.

"Why? I bet I know who this idiot is! Stop being a coward and show yourself, for goodness 'sake!" I shouted again.

"Well, it's not like it's C —..." Germany trailed off as his eyes followed the other man.


"You." I spat.

"Yes, me. Didn't you "hint" it was me, or whatever?" Confederate waved his hand.

"Wow. Your attire stayed the same, after around one-hundred and fifty-eight years?" I snapped, scowling at him.

"You are basically me, just..."

"More.. Rat—looking.." He finished.

"I cannot believe this. I am not you. We barely even look similar!" I hissed.

"Hm..? What was it? Oh, 'Stars and Stripes' you said." He mused.

"I said that over one-hundred and fifty years ago." I groaned, covering my face with my free hand, dragging it down my face.

"Well for me, it felt like yesterday." Confederate crossed his arms.

I snorted, "Yeah, I bet you remember when you stole more of my land, so I snapped your neck."

He glared at me and stomped off angrily.

"No surprise he stomped off. Your presence is enough to make me bawl my eyes out." Russia groaned from behind him.

"Woah, thanks a lot, tallass." Germany let go of me and I sat down, facing Russia.

"Well that was quite the nonchalant conversation." Russia said flatly.

"That's nice. Now stop bickering at each other, you sound like my Oma!" Germany rubbed his temples, sitting down beside them.

Russia tilted his head. "Who?"

"Oma means 'Grandma' in German." I answered.


"Hey Russia," I tapped him on the shoulder.

He grunted. "What?"

"When do you think we'll get out of here?" 


Hey y'all, I finally found a schedule that works

I hope to publish chapters every Thursday around noon (CST US), so keep your eyes out!

Love y'all, and some emo shit gonna happen soon

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