Butters, Jimmy and Scott catch up!

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Lmao I can't understand how I forgot about Butters, but whatever, I'll write about the three of them too from now on

Also, Jimmy in this is kind of a perv (because of him randomly getting boners in the show and all that stuff, you know), if you feel uncomfortable by this let me know!


-How you met-


You were bored in your room.
Your parents had grounded you for being 1 hour late when you went out last time with your friends, so you couldn't get out of your room

As said, you were bored with nothing to do but look through the window. Nothing interesting happened outside, there were people walking on the street and you could hear kids shouting happily from the nearest park

Suddenly, you saw a blonde boy in the house in front of yours, he was in his window too. After seeing him you decided to wave at him with a smile, he seemed nervous and looked around his room to check no one was there

He then waved back with a shy smile, still nervous. 
You quickly went inside your room and grabbed a big paper, writing a "Hi!" in it and showing it to him.

He looked around his room again and grabbed a paper too, he wrote "Hey! :)" and showed it to you. 

You two had a small conversation, you got to know his name and found out he went to your school, you were really excited to see him on school next monday


You were at one of those typical shops that sells movies and videogames, you were searching for a fantasy movie one of your friends had talked wonders about

—Sorry, do you know where (movie name) is? My friend told me you were selling it here— You asked to the shop assitant and he shrugged, you sighed

You had looked at every section except for the...

—It can't be there...— You said to yourself as you looked around the corner

You sighed once again and entered the porn section hesitantly and with your eyes closed from embarrassment, you were sure it wasn't there but it was worth the shot checking

You suddenly bumped into someone and fell to the ground, you were about to roast the heck out of them but you opened your eyes and saw a brunette boy with crutches

—Hey you better be careful you piece of...— You looked at him —Oh.—

—Now y-you should be the o-on-one  to be careful— He said trying to get up

You stood up and helped him get up too

Th-t-Tha-th-t-t-thaa-th-than-th— He stuttered
—No problem— You said and laughed slightly

You realized you were still at that section and got nervous, looking for what you came for

He coughed to gain your attention and you turned around to face him

—Im g-guessing someone like y-y-you isn't here for p-po-porn, maybe you're l-loo-looking for t-this?— He said and glared at the movie you were looking for

—Yes! Thank you so much!— You said and took the movie —No idea what it was doing there—

You walked to where the shop assistant was, paid for the movie and walked out, heading home


You were at risk of diabetes type 2 because of eating too much 

You were at recess, looking at how many sugar the juice your mother gave you for lunch had since you didn't want to tell her

A certain boy noticed you looking at the juice and was full of curiosity on why you were doing that

He decided to walk to you and ask

—Um... ethcuthe me, are you diabetic by any chanth?— He said with a clear lisp 
—...Not yet at least I guess— You answered
—How tho?— He asked

—Im at risk, so im being careful lately— You answered a bit upset —Why?—

—Oh well Im Thcott Malkinthon and I have diabetith, and I thought that maybe you did too— He said awkardly

—So you were wishing I had diabetes?— You said kind of laughing
—Well no! Not ethactly, Ith juth that everyone ith alwayth making fun of me becauthe of it— He said scratching the back of his head

—And no one defends you?— You asked
—I don't have friendth, tho no— He said

—Well then consider me your friend— You said smiling at him

-Random Headcanons-


-You were his only true friend, so he loved you a lot and would cry when you hung out with another boy and he thought you didn't want to be his friend anymore

-Both of you played Hello Kitty Island Adventure together every weekend

-You invited him over to sleep whenever you could for him not to have to deal with his parents, which you hated because of all he told you about them

-You were the only person he told everything about his life to


-He tried his jokes on you to test how funny they were, but you have a horrible sense of humor so you laughed at every joke he said

-You would encourage him to start a youtube/tiktok channel/account where he posted videos about him telling jokes

-You would hold his hand when walking by putting your hand above his, being careful it didn't make it harder for him to "walk"

-Both of you would play videogames online


-You always brought extra insulin for him in case he ran out of it

-Both of you would go everywhere holding hands (Tweek and Craig moment)

-If you do have diabetes, he liked you for your personality and looks, not for your condition

-Cartman turned on "Relationship-ender" mode when you two got together as if Scott was Kyle, he didn't think someone with diabetes and a lisp deserved a healthy relationship

Okay, this is done, if you want me to add any character feel free to request, and I'll gladly add them

By the way, remember how I said I wouldn't be writing smut, lemons and that kind of stuff? Well, that's only for oneshots and preferences (maybe). I'll be doing headcanons for that stuff If someone requests it

If you're embarrassed to make a request just dm me and I won't tag you in the chapter, dw!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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