Ch.6: For Better

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(TW: Death / Dead / Gore)

"(Y/n) I came by to see if —" Wally's voice trailed off as he opened the door to her living quarters and she wasn't there...again. "Damit."

This only meant one thing, she was working and not resting.

Beginning to fill with anger he closed her door and made his way down the hall straight to her office. He immediately opened the door barging into the room.

"Who do you think you are?"

(Y/n) looked up from her computer screen at him, "Knocking is a thing."

"Don't." His red eyes pierced her. "You're supposed to be on bed rest for another 5 days."

"Supposed to be," She repeated, "They're more like guidelines anyway."

"(Y/n) I won't put up with this foolishness."

She pushed her seat out, "Look, all I'm doing is sitting here at my desk. I'm not in the lab, I'm not walking around, I'm sitting still, that's resting right?"

He hesitated for a moment as she did have a point, however, that hesitation flew out the window the moment he spotted a blood mark on the side of her shirt, right where the surgery took place.

"What are you looking at?" She raised a brow and followed his eyes to the location on her shirt then quickly covered it. "Coffee stains, am I right?"

He glared at her.

"Listen," She took a breath, "If you want me to rest you're going to have to carry my ass back. I'm not going willingly."

(Y/n) pulled her seat back in and continued to type away on the computer.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have a lot of wo—AH!"

Wally pulled back her computer chair and lifted her up out of it with ease.

"Wally Darling, you put me down this instant!"

He held an angered expression but ignored her plea.

"I have work that needs to get done! I'm already days behind on my tasks!"

She attempted to push his arms away, and his hands as well, but they were like iron bars. He was a very strong man. After a few attempts she stopped, crossing her arms in defeat.

"You're an ass, you know that?" (Y/n)'s eyes beamed at him, but he kept staring ahead as he walked to the living quarters.

She became silent, grumbling words under her breath the rest of the way back to her living quarters. He gently placed her down and opened her door pointing to the inside.


If anger wasn't going to work maybe the truth would, "Mr. Darling, you don't understand how much this place depends on me. If I fall behind the factory falls behind."

"Then you let me deal with that. It's my factory." He spoke sternly.

She took a breath and walked past him into her quarters, feeling defeated.

"I do not want to see any signs of you out of this room. I'll be keeping a very close watch on the security system and have everyone on alert." 

Her eyes glared at him as he spoke, "Whatever."

Wally rolled his eyes before closing the door slowly. She waited a moment to make sure he was gone before pulling out her USB card.

"Sucker," She laughed a bit to herself.

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