Ch.5: And in Health

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"No growth," Joy announced. "Not from what I can see." He pointed at the images on the desk. "What are your symptoms again?"

"Headaches, nose bleeds, oh — I had a migraine the other day, and that time I passed out."

"Have you felt dizzy since?"

"Slightly, but nothing as bad as the first time."

"Right, well, your vision tests came back fine, as well as your cognitive functions. Keep a list of what you feel, when you feel it, and for how long." Joy explained to her.

(Y/n) nodded her head.

He then paused, "It's only fair that I tell you, Wally was down here."


"He noticed you've been coming down here more frequently and asked questions."

"What did you tell him?"

"You were going through safety protocols on each of the staff members as it hadn't been done in a long time."

She let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God."

"He's going to catch on eventually, (Y/n), you should probably tell him."

"No, not yet at least, I want to get it figured out before I break this to him. It wouldn't be fair in his current situation."

"The divorce? How much do you know about it?"

"I know very little, not anything worth mentioning besides that fact it gets him in moods."

Joy nodded at her, "Alright, I'll take care of things here then. Just be careful for when we meet up, alright?"

(Y/n) nodded at him, "I will."

She stood up and left back to her office. Since the growth was so small it wasn't a huge worry right now which meant the factory could be first priority.

Instinctively she checked on Wally first, knocking on his office door before entering.

"Good Afternoon, (Y/n) I haven't seen you all morning."

"Safety protocols." She answered causally, "Did you even leave your office today?"

"No, I haven't. I've been writing up my findings."

She raised a brow, "You've been doing the write-ups?"

"Just for my project, yes."

"Why didn't you ask me to do it?"

"Because I need to have my hands on every aspect of this project, no matter what. I know you're eager to participate more, and there will be a time, but for right now be patient."

She let out a small sigh, "This project must mean a lot to you."

"It's very personal to me, but I will need you, I promise that." He then took a drink from his coffee. "What are your work plans for the day?"

"I'm not scheduled to be on the lab floor today so mostly on the computer."

"I'm going to throw you on an experiment in the lab with a small team. They need someone overhead to watch them and I need to get this information in."

"Do I need to take any data on it or do I just make sure no one dies."

He smirked for a moment, "You just make sure no one dies. It's a generally safe project. Some electrical system. It won't take long either."

"Sounds fine to me. I should be walking around anyway. I sit too much." (Y/n) adjusted her lab coat.

Wally typed away on his computer, "Alright I have you in lab 6 at 1 PM. When you're done just return to your normal duties."

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