As she was hoisted to meet his eye level, Sheza's wide-eyed curiosity led her to gaze directly into the depths of his eyes. Yet, overwhelmed by the grandeur of the moment, she quickly cast her gaze downward.

She could feel his hot breath on her face, he lifted her while holding his waist like she weighed nothing.

"Didn't you fucking read the contract, huh!" he growled lowly on her face and rage dripped from his voice. He was amused by the girl's no-trust issue nature, he simply signed in order to save the family- which was shit.

Sheza's sudden flinch was akin to a startled bunny in the meadow, and she squeezed her tiny fists tightly, her legs beginning to quiver like delicate leaves in the breeze. Her vulnerability in that moment painted her as a fragile, trembling dandelion in the presence of an awe-inspiring dark giant.

Saad looked at her with a smirk on his face, moved closer to her ear and whispered in a deep low voice.

"scared, pigeon,"

Sheza opened her eyes and looked at him with wide teary bambi eyes.

"So, now, say pigeon, didn't you read the contract properly? Hmm,"

Sheza shook her head negatively and looked down.

Saad chuckled darkly and decided to tease his little pigeon.

"Ohh, you didn't read?"

Sheza shook her head. Saad made a sad face and made a tsk sound. Sheza felt scared.

"why was the written something important?" she asked with wide bambi eyes.

"No not at all," he said with an innocent expression and a smirking teasing her.

"Please, tell me," sheza asked while tearing up a little. The mafia already seemed scary to her and now his antics were scaring her more.

"there was nothing, pigeon,"
Saad teased her more...

Finally, her tears fell down and end up crying badly.

Saad blankly looked at her and put her feet back on the ground, but she held his hand back and looked at him with imploring eyes, making his heart flip, even she is crying still looked so beautiful, her face was all pink, and her nose was red, her cheeks were rubicund and small sniffing noise was making the scenario cuter, now Saad was again dazed that whether he should comfort the little girl or cooed her beauty?

"Hey, hey, don't cry, nothing is written there, only. marriage talk, ok," he tried to make her quiet, which eventually worked,

She was about to wipe her tears with her clothes paws but, he interpreted...

"I believe that a few minutes ago, I gave you my handkerchief, am I right? Little pigeon," she looked at her other hand that was holding the said thing and immediately showed it to him and cleaned her face. She smiled sheepishly at him silently.

"By the way, I am Saad Junaid Khan,"

With an affectionate glance, he set off on his big, sturdy steps, and Sheza, determined to keep up, trailed behind him with her small, quick strides, with her cute short legs.


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Upon reaching the Everest of Saad's bedroom, he swung open the door and disappeared within its depths. As Sheza timidly ventured inside, she was enveloped by a shroud of darkness, pierced only by the feeble glow of a minuscule bedside lamp. The room seemed to swallow her presence, and her nerves danced like jittery fireflies. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his deep, ominous voice emanating from the obscurity as if she had stumbled into a realm of enchanting yet foreboding mysteries.

"Step inside kitten, and lock the door,"

Sheza felt like she was entering a lion's den, which was dark and gloomy and in that gloominess, he would eat her and no one would know about it. She stepped inside and also locked the door and turned around to look at the space, with her fuzzy eyes she found him standing in between two chairs.

With so much courage, she opened her mouth and said while shuttering.

"C-can you please t-turn on the l-lights,"

"Sure pigeon," his voice echoed in the room and in the blink of an eye lights were on as if he was holding off for her to say. She blinked her eyes for a better notion and looked around the room which was immensely beautiful.

 Her eyes fixed upon him, a commanding silhouette in the dimness, as he methodically shed his black coat, flinging it onto the nearby couch with an air of authority

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Her eyes fixed upon him, a commanding silhouette in the dimness, as he methodically shed his black coat, flinging it onto the nearby couch with an air of authority.

She watched in fascination as his hands moved to the cuffs of his shirt, deftly unfastening them, and then methodically rolling up his sleeves. The sight of his exposed tattoos and the prominent, pulsating veins beneath them seemed to command the very essence of the room, casting an intoxicating aura of power and allure.

It was as though he had unveiled a hidden layer of his enigmatic self, leaving her entranced by the potent charisma that emanated from this dominant figure.

"Done staring pigeon," The girl fliched, when his deep voice resonated through the room, and her startled gaze immediately found his face, only to be met by his intense eyes, already locked onto her, as if they were engaged in a captivating stare-down. As a soft blush danced across her cheeks, she couldn't help but fidget, her gaze darting around the room like a bashful squirrel, her heart beating to the rhythm of her own adorable unease


At that moment, the only words that fluttered through Sheza's mind were those of uncertainty and longing. Her heart ached with the weight of unanswered questions and unspoken desires. She stood there, a fragile soul, adrift in the vast sea of unfamiliar emotions.

Her vulnerability was tangible, a poignant reminder of a life marked by isolation, where she'd often felt like an outsider in her own home know how marriage works, and she didn't even see her parents married life because most of the time they kept her away from themselves and her sister, she used to live like an outsider in her own house.

There was so much she couldn't think of in the name of marriage.

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